PEARSON (PEARSON) • English Language and Literature 2015
Latest uploads for English Language and Literature 2015 at PEARSON (PEARSON). Looking for English Language and Literature 2015 notes at PEARSON (PEARSON)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for English Language and Literature 2015 at PEARSON (PEARSON).
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Modules English Language and Literature 2015 at PEARSON (PEARSON)
Notes available for the following courses of English Language and Literature 2015 at PEARSON (PEARSON)
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Latest notes & summaries PEARSON (PEARSON) • English Language and Literature 2015
Final submission for English Language and Literature A-Level Non-fiction coursework. The coursework module of the Pearson Specification.
Analysis of the poem 'Here' from Philip Larkin's collection of poems, 'The Whitsun Weddings.' For the poetry section of the Pearson specification of A-Level Language and Literature.
A researched factfile on the author of The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Context integral to the module 'Varieties in Speech and Writing' in the specification for Pearson's English Language and Literature A-Level.
Research of the historical, social and political context of the year 1925 - when The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald was set. This is as of the module 'Varieties in Speech and Writing' in the Pearson specification of A-Level English Language and Literature.
Societal, political and historical context surrounding Philip Larkin and F. Scott Fitzgerald's lives and their influences when writing their books 'The Whitsun Weddings' and 'The Great Gatsby' as in the 'Varieties in Speech and Writing' module in Pearson's English Language and Literature A-Level.
An essay plan for the comparison between The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Whitsun Weddings by Philip Larkin in the Pearson module 'Varieties in Speech and Writing' for English Language and Literature.
A full analysis and profiling of the characters in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the Pearson module 'Varieties in Speech and Writing' of English Language and Literature.
A full book summary of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 'Varieties in Speech and Writing' module of Pearson's specification for English Language and Literature.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Whitsun Weddings by Philip Larkin comparative essay for the 'Varities in Speech and Writing' module in the Pearson specification for English Language and Literature.
The American Dream social, political and historical context relating to The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the 1920s Jazz Era.