Royal Holloway University of London
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Courses at Royal Holloway University of London
Notes available for the following courses at Royal Holloway University of London
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This document contains facts, issues and ratio decidendi of each of the essential cases in Company Law, crucial to know for the exams.
8k+ words on the cognitive psychology module. check keywords for topics. this is a y2 module which i did in y3. can be used for both.
adult psychopathology y3 lecture notes (check keywords for topics).
y3 Educational Psychology lecture notes (check keywords for topics)
Lecture notes for the LDM module. Check keywords for lessons.
Notes for information security concepts such as ways to encrypt messages through stream and block cipher, hash functions and their uses, message authentication codes, RSA, biometrics, and other ways to authenticate users.
Details the main parts of ER models and different relationships entities can have. Multi-valued attributes, derived attributes, cardinality, key and participation constraints, roles, ternary relationships, weak entity sets, sub/super-classes.
Details problems that are common in IPC and multiple ways we can fix them with and without busy waiting. Details: Lock Variables, Strict Alternation, Peterson Algorithm, Test and Set Lock, Sleep and Wakeup, Semaphores, Mutexes, Monitors, Barriers and Read-Copy-Update.
My study notes for the whole CS2850 module that took place at Royal Holloway, University of London. This is for the theory part of it - with topics including Processes and Threads, IPC with and without busy waiting, CPU scheduling, Interactive System Scheduling, and all taught algorithms related to both types of scheduling. Further to this there is memory management, virtual memory (MMU), page replacement algorithms, page faults, and file systems. Week 10 and 11 not covered.
This document is a (almost) complete summary of the CS2855 Databases course for Royal Holloway, University of London. It includes data modelling: Entity-relationship Model (ER) and relational model, Relational Algebra and SQL. Limited notes were taken on database design including normalisation theory and decomposition.