Psychology and Criminology (4PSYC007W.1)
University of Westminster (UOW)
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Annotated Bibliography
- Essay • 10 pages • 2025
- £7.66
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This is a 1250 – 1500-word Annotated Bibliography, and I received 65 out of 100 for this coursework. An annotated bibliography is a descriptive list of resources (here research articles) relevant to the topics introduced in this module. The annotated bibliography comprises five articles, which are In-group and out-group attitudes of ethnic majority and minority children, Adolescents’ as active agents in the socialization process: Legitimacy of parental authority and obligation to obey as pre...
What Is Developmental Psychology and Why Does It Matter?
- Essay • 10 pages • 2025
- £7.66
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This is my first coursework for my Social and Developmental Psychology Course. This is an Introductory Book Chapter on "What Is Developmental Psychology and Why Does It Matter?" between 1,900 - 2,000 words. After introducing the topic, I provided at least ONE real-world example for why my topic of choice is important. Then, I discussed at least ONE theory in relation to my real-world example. The sources cited are in APA 7 style. Also, I wrote at an introductory level for A Level students.
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