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The Jacobean era
The Jacobean era, This is a 21 page document all about King james the first era and his ulings , it mentions his problems with the parliament , witchhunting england ,and the plot to kill King James in 1605 , in the gunpowder plot lead by Robert Catesby and more.....
- Summary
- • 21 pages •
The Jacobean era, This is a 21 page document all about King james the first era and his ulings , it mentions his problems with the parliament , witchhunting england ,and the plot to kill King James in 1605 , in the gunpowder plot lead by Robert Catesby and more.....

The Elizabethan Era
The Elizabethan Era . This is a 20 page documents all about Queen ELizabeth the first reign in england , including the challenges and hardships she had to face and how she overcame it . It includes challenges like , mary queen of scots , unmarried and no heir to the throne, the spanish armada, rumors she's a man and more ...
- Summary
- • 23 pages •
The Elizabethan Era . This is a 20 page documents all about Queen ELizabeth the first reign in england , including the challenges and hardships she had to face and how she overcame it . It includes challenges like , mary queen of scots , unmarried and no heir to the throne, the spanish armada, rumors she's a man and more ...

How did hitler control the lives of the youth in Germany?
How did hitler control the lives of the youth in Germany?, This documents involves information of how hitler used propaganda to brainwash children into becoming people of use to him in the future . The education system was sexist and sterotyped to gender , boys took science , maths and millitary drilling whilst girls took needlework , music, language and home crafts.
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
How did hitler control the lives of the youth in Germany?, This documents involves information of how hitler used propaganda to brainwash children into becoming people of use to him in the future . The education system was sexist and sterotyped to gender , boys took science , maths and millitary drilling whilst girls took needlework , music, language and home crafts.

Hitlers Ascend to power (Part 2)
Hitlers Ascend to power (Part 2). This document includes a detailed description of Hitler's rise to power throught the use of propaganda , fear , popular support and more . It includes an interpretation published in 1952 and an interpretation published in 1970 about two different perspectives of the average person in germany and how they were impacted by Hitler's indoctrination scheme. It also shows why people showed support for the Nazi party, to get an intail of people's thought processes b...
- Summary
- • 10 pages •
Hitlers Ascend to power (Part 2). This document includes a detailed description of Hitler's rise to power throught the use of propaganda , fear , popular support and more . It includes an interpretation published in 1952 and an interpretation published in 1970 about two different perspectives of the average person in germany and how they were impacted by Hitler's indoctrination scheme. It also shows why people showed support for the Nazi party, to get an intail of people's thought processes b...

Hitler's Ascend To Power (Part 1)
Hitler's Ascend to Power (Part 1) . This document consists of post war germany and how the great depression helped in hitler's climb to power .It mentions the Reichstag fire and how the communists were blamed by the Nazis , it ialso ncludes how Germany used fear as a method of control through the use of the police state , concentration camps and the legal system . And it includes how the lives of Germans were affected by the police state between 1933 and 1945 .
- Summary
- • 11 pages •
Hitler's Ascend to Power (Part 1) . This document consists of post war germany and how the great depression helped in hitler's climb to power .It mentions the Reichstag fire and how the communists were blamed by the Nazis , it ialso ncludes how Germany used fear as a method of control through the use of the police state , concentration camps and the legal system . And it includes how the lives of Germans were affected by the police state between 1933 and 1945 .

What happened to Germany at the end of WW1?
What happened to Germany at the end of WW1?. This document is a brief , quick informative summary of all you need to know about Germany after ww1. It includes information about the treaty of versailles and how it impacted germany negatively .
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
What happened to Germany at the end of WW1?. This document is a brief , quick informative summary of all you need to know about Germany after ww1. It includes information about the treaty of versailles and how it impacted germany negatively .

Why was there a stalemate on the western front ?
Why was there a stalemate on the western front ?. This documents includes a source , retrieval guide , a thorough explanation on the schliefflan plan and how it lead to a stalemate , and it includes the different types of warfare and weapons used throughout the war .
- Summary
- • 10 pages •
Why was there a stalemate on the western front ?. This documents includes a source , retrieval guide , a thorough explanation on the schliefflan plan and how it lead to a stalemate , and it includes the different types of warfare and weapons used throughout the war .

How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to the outbreak of the first world war ?
How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to the outbreak of the first world war ?. This documents an in dept description on the assasination of archduke Franz Ferdinand and how that contributed to the beginning of World war one . It includes a source picture that show the countries relationship with each other and it also includes retrieval questions.
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to the outbreak of the first world war ?. This documents an in dept description on the assasination of archduke Franz Ferdinand and how that contributed to the beginning of World war one . It includes a source picture that show the countries relationship with each other and it also includes retrieval questions.

Who were the suffragettes? Who was Emily Wilding Davison?
Who were the suffragettes? 
Who was Emily Wilding Davison?. This documents two sources made in 20th century , it refers to the historic figure , one of the leaders of the suffragettes , women's movement ( Emily Wilding Davison) and her life , it includes annotations and a peel paragraph to summarise the usefulness the sources are to an historian studying the suffragette movement .
- Summary
- • 7 pages •
Who were the suffragettes? 
Who was Emily Wilding Davison?. This documents two sources made in 20th century , it refers to the historic figure , one of the leaders of the suffragettes , women's movement ( Emily Wilding Davison) and her life , it includes annotations and a peel paragraph to summarise the usefulness the sources are to an historian studying the suffragette movement .

What was the MAIN causes of the First World War ?
What was the MAIN causes of the First World War ?. This documents involves the reasons as to the first world war occured . Indulging into the differnt countries involved , and how tension increased gradually between countries .It also includes the pneumonic MAIN , which is a shortened version of the reasons for the first world war , going into more details in the document.
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
What was the MAIN causes of the First World War ?. This documents involves the reasons as to the first world war occured . Indulging into the differnt countries involved , and how tension increased gradually between countries .It also includes the pneumonic MAIN , which is a shortened version of the reasons for the first world war , going into more details in the document.