On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller Faithki39.
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35 items

All English Literature Drama and Poetry pre-1900 Notes OCR A-Level
All English Literature Drama and Poetry pre-1900 Notes with context, quotes, scholars' analysis etc in order to get you 100% in your OCR A-Levels 

This bundle is at a more than 50% sale!
- Package deal
- • 5 items •
- Twelfth Night Themes for A-Level • Summary
- The Merchant's Tales - Chaucer - Themes Notes A-Level English Literature OCR • Summary
- The Merchant's Tale Characters Notes • Summary
- The Duchess of Malfi Themes Notes • Summary
- The Duchess of Malfi Character Notes • Summary
All English Literature Drama and Poetry pre-1900 Notes with context, quotes, scholars' analysis etc in order to get you 100% in your OCR A-Levels 

This bundle is at a more than 50% sale!

Civil Rights and Race Relations in America 1850-2009 - Effects and Impacts Table
Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Effects and Impacts Table 
Table looking at the impact of groups, organisations and legislation on civil rights and race relations in America
- Summary
- • 7 pages •
Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Effects and Impacts Table 
Table looking at the impact of groups, organisations and legislation on civil rights and race relations in America

Civil Rights and Race Relations in America 1850-2009 - Factors affecting change table
Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Factors affecting change table 
Table looking at reasons for the changing position of civil rights and race relations in america
- Summary
- • 10 pages •
Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Factors affecting change table 
Table looking at reasons for the changing position of civil rights and race relations in america

Civil Rights and Race Relations in America 1850-2009 - Geography Notes
Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Geography Notes and Overview - migration, patterns of change etc
- Summary
- • 18 pages •
Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Geography Notes and Overview - migration, patterns of change etc

Civil Rights and Race Relations in America 1850-2009 - New Deal Timeline
History - Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - New Deal Timeline
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
History - Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - New Deal Timeline

Civil Rights and Race Relations in America 1850-2009 - Portrayal of Civil Rights in Fiction and Film
History - Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Portrayal of Civil Rights in Fiction and Film
- Summary
- • 14 pages •
History - Civil Rights and Race Relations in America - Portrayal of Civil Rights in Fiction and Film

All English Literature Comparative and Contextual Study Notes (The Great Gatsby, The Age of Innocence, and more general American Unseen notes)
Everything you need to get an A* in the American Literature paper including context, quotes, scholars' analysis, cross-text comparisons etc.
- Package deal
- • 4 items •
- The Great Gatsby Theme Notes (including context, quotes, and scholars' analysis) • Summary
- The Great Gatsby all Character Notes (quotes, analysis, context, scholars) • Summary
- The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton Themes (Quotes, Context, Analysis, Scholars) • Summary
- American Unseen Notes on other texts for context • Summary
Everything you need to get an A* in the American Literature paper including context, quotes, scholars' analysis, cross-text comparisons etc.

The Duchess of Malfi Character Notes
The Duchess of Malfi Character Notes (includes scholars, context, performance history, quotes, analysis etc) 
Characters include: 
- Antonio 
- Bosola 
- The Cardinal 
- Ferdinand 
- The Duchess 
- Cariola 
- Delia 
- Julia
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
The Duchess of Malfi Character Notes (includes scholars, context, performance history, quotes, analysis etc) 
Characters include: 
- Antonio 
- Bosola 
- The Cardinal 
- Ferdinand 
- The Duchess 
- Cariola 
- Delia 
- Julia

The Duchess of Malfi Themes Notes
The Duchess of Malfi Themes Notes - context, quotes, scholars quotes, all colour-coded and organised in 20+ pages and over 14,000 words - to get you an A*! 
Themes include: 
- Women 
- Relationships 
- Power 
- Class 
- Deception 
- Secrets 
- Evil 
- Religion 
- Fate 
- Health and Madness 
- Reputation 
- Settings 
- Etc
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 22 pages •
The Duchess of Malfi Themes Notes - context, quotes, scholars quotes, all colour-coded and organised in 20+ pages and over 14,000 words - to get you an A*! 
Themes include: 
- Women 
- Relationships 
- Power 
- Class 
- Deception 
- Secrets 
- Evil 
- Religion 
- Fate 
- Health and Madness 
- Reputation 
- Settings 
- Etc

The Merchant's Tale Characters Notes
Context, Scholars' quotes, analysis, quotes from the text - everything you need to get 100% in your A-level 
Characters include: 
- The Merchant 
- Januarie 
- May 
- Damyan 
- Justinus and Placebo
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
Context, Scholars' quotes, analysis, quotes from the text - everything you need to get 100% in your A-level 
Characters include: 
- The Merchant 
- Januarie 
- May 
- Damyan 
- Justinus and Placebo
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles - Notes for OCR A-Level (Play, Plot, Reception, Characters, Themes)
Ovid Love and Relationships Classical Civilisation A-Level Notes