Grade Booster
I am a student myself, currently studying for my A2. I took Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. I know how important writing notes are, but writing notes can be tedious and difficult. This is why, I sell my notes, to help other students be confident in their knowledge and skills, and get the best grades they deserve without any hassle. I write all my notes on my own (it is difficult but I do it anyway, because without notes I cant study well), and all my notes are very detailed and comprehensive. They summarise all the important information in a short, precise and concise manner that is easy to understand. I myself use these notes, and it has worked wonders for me! If it works for me, I am confident it will work you as well! After all, I am just a student like you!
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3 items

Edexcel AS Physics Unit 1 Complete, Comprehensive Notes
This is a package deal that contains complete, comprehensive, detailed notes on all the chapters of the Edexcel AS Physics Unit 1 exam. It contains lots of information needed for the exam, and will provide solid understanding and skills needed to get the best marks!
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
This is a package deal that contains complete, comprehensive, detailed notes on all the chapters of the Edexcel AS Physics Unit 1 exam. It contains lots of information needed for the exam, and will provide solid understanding and skills needed to get the best marks!

Comprehensive Notes on Fluid Mechanics and Maerials Chapter of Edexcel AS Physics
This is a fully, complete, comprehensive set of notes on the Fluid Mechanics and Materials chapter of the Edexcel AS Physics course that I personally, through lots of rigorous studying and learning, wrote during my AS exams, which I did in May/June 2o23. I used these notes, along with other resources such as past papers in order to solidify my knowledge and understanding of Mechanics. These notes consist of information that are not available in any A-level books or discussed in detail by teacher...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 26 pages •
This is a fully, complete, comprehensive set of notes on the Fluid Mechanics and Materials chapter of the Edexcel AS Physics course that I personally, through lots of rigorous studying and learning, wrote during my AS exams, which I did in May/June 2o23. I used these notes, along with other resources such as past papers in order to solidify my knowledge and understanding of Mechanics. These notes consist of information that are not available in any A-level books or discussed in detail by teacher...

Comprehensive Notes On Mechanics Chaper Of Edexcel AS Physics
This is a fully, complete, comprehensive set of notes on the Mechanics chapter of the Edexcel AS Physics course that I personally, through lots of rigorous studying and learning, wrote during my AS exams, which I did in May/June 2o23. I used these notes, along with other resources such as past papers in order to solidify my knowledge and understanding of Mechanics. These notes consist of information that are not available in any A-level books or discussed in detail by teachers. However, the info...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 21 pages •
This is a fully, complete, comprehensive set of notes on the Mechanics chapter of the Edexcel AS Physics course that I personally, through lots of rigorous studying and learning, wrote during my AS exams, which I did in May/June 2o23. I used these notes, along with other resources such as past papers in order to solidify my knowledge and understanding of Mechanics. These notes consist of information that are not available in any A-level books or discussed in detail by teachers. However, the info...