

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller ellastephens.


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7 items

MOST USEFUL OTHELLO QUOTES - organised by theme and character

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I have collated a complete list of the most important quotes from Othello and organised them in sections of character or theme. I have found that learning quotes from a smaller list of a specific theme is much easier than hundreds of quotes scattered across 300 pages of a play or novel. I also note the Act and Scene number of each quote, as well as the page number (from the Oxford Shakespeare edition). I hope this is helpful! Themes include: - reputation - love - status/hierarchy - man...

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  •  Book
  • Other
  •  • 12 pages • 
  • by ellastephens • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Pine, Shankar, Stravinsky, & Beatles context notes

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Context notes for the Edexcel Music A Level set works Stravinsky, Courtney Pine, Anoushka Shankar and The Beatles Details of key dates and information, as well as context points that can be easily used in essays

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  • Package deal
  •  • 4 items • 
  • by ellastephens • 
  • uploaded  2024
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0x  sold

This is a list of the most useful critical quotes for any exam on Othello. They are listed by character and by theme, and the critic is indicated next to the quote. I have highlighted key words in the quotes. This can be an extremely useful tool in trying to memorise criticism due to the organisation of the document in categorise. These critical quotes could also be used as context, or to enhance any essay.

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  • Other
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by ellastephens • 
  • uploaded  2024
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