On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller hannahwhite.
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12 items
Anatomy of the Nervous, Respiratory, Reproductive and Musculoskeletal Systems
This package contains anatomy summaries for five of the main systems in the body including the nervous and respiratory system. 
It contains detailed but easy to understand summaries of these systems as well as the relevant clinical applications. 
It is perfect for medicine students wanting to ace their exams!
- Package deal
- • 5 items •
- Upper Limb Anatomy Summary • Presentation
- Anatomy of the Lower Limb • Presentation
- Respiratory Anatomy Summary • Presentation
- Neuro Anatomy Summary • Presentation
- Anatomy of the Breast and Pelvis • Presentation
This package contains anatomy summaries for five of the main systems in the body including the nervous and respiratory system. 
It contains detailed but easy to understand summaries of these systems as well as the relevant clinical applications. 
It is perfect for medicine students wanting to ace their exams!
Anatomy of the Breast and Pelvis
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the breast and pelvis, including the relevant clinical applications. It is perfect for pre-clinical medical students.
- Package deal
- Presentation
- • 10 pages •
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the breast and pelvis, including the relevant clinical applications. It is perfect for pre-clinical medical students.
Anatomy of the Lower Limb
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the lower limb including the muscles, bones and lumbosacral plexus as well as relevant clinical application.
- Package deal
- Presentation
- • 13 pages •
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the lower limb including the muscles, bones and lumbosacral plexus as well as relevant clinical application.
Neuro Anatomy Summary
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the nervous system includes the brain, skull and cranial nerves. It is perfect for pre-clinical medical students.
- Package deal
- Presentation
- • 11 pages •
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the nervous system includes the brain, skull and cranial nerves. It is perfect for pre-clinical medical students.
Respiratory Anatomy Summary
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the respiratory system includes the lungs, thorax and larynx. It is perfect for pre-clinical medical students.
- Package deal
- Presentation
- • 10 pages •
This presentation provides a complete, easy to comprehend, overview of the anatomy of the respiratory system includes the lungs, thorax and larynx. It is perfect for pre-clinical medical students.
Upper Limb Anatomy Summary
This powerpoint presentation provides a complete overview of the anatomy of the upper limb. It is perfect for pre-clinical medicine students or those learning anatomy.
- Package deal
- Presentation
- • 11 pages •
This powerpoint presentation provides a complete overview of the anatomy of the upper limb. It is perfect for pre-clinical medicine students or those learning anatomy.
AQA A Level Geography Contemporary Urban Environments
Documents summarising the key topics in the contemporary urban environments chapter of AQA A Level Geography. 
Includes: urban forms, urban climate, urban policy and social and economic issues associated with urbanisation. 
The documents I used to get an A* in A Level Geography.
- Package deal
- • 5 items •
- AQA A Level Geography Contemporary Urban Environments • Summary
- Urban Policy in the UK since 1979 • Summary
- Urban thunderstorms • Summary
- New Urban Forms • Summary
- Social and Economic Issues Associated with Urbanisation • Summary
Documents summarising the key topics in the contemporary urban environments chapter of AQA A Level Geography. 
Includes: urban forms, urban climate, urban policy and social and economic issues associated with urbanisation. 
The documents I used to get an A* in A Level Geography.
Social and Economic Issues Associated with Urbanisation
A document covering AQA Spec point: Social and economic issues associated with urbanisation - Issues associated with economic inequality, social segregation and cultural diversity in contrasting urban areas. 
Strategies to manage these issues. 
Includes details about social segregation and economic inequality using London and Sao Paulo as the two contrasting urban areas. Strategies to tackle social segregation and economic inequality are outlined.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
A document covering AQA Spec point: Social and economic issues associated with urbanisation - Issues associated with economic inequality, social segregation and cultural diversity in contrasting urban areas. 
Strategies to manage these issues. 
Includes details about social segregation and economic inequality using London and Sao Paulo as the two contrasting urban areas. Strategies to tackle social segregation and economic inequality are outlined.
New Urban Forms
Covers AQA spec point: Urban forms - New urban landscapes: town centre mixed developments, cultural and heritage quarters, fortress 
developments, gentrified areas, edge cities. The concept of the post-modern western city. 
Summarises all key new urban landscapes as well as including relevant examples for each.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
Covers AQA spec point: Urban forms - New urban landscapes: town centre mixed developments, cultural and heritage quarters, fortress 
developments, gentrified areas, edge cities. The concept of the post-modern western city. 
Summarises all key new urban landscapes as well as including relevant examples for each.
Urban thunderstorms
A document covering AQA spec point: Thunderstorms in urban environments 
Summary of the causes of urban thunderstorms. 
One of the documents I used to get an A* in A Level Geography.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
A document covering AQA spec point: Thunderstorms in urban environments 
Summary of the causes of urban thunderstorms. 
One of the documents I used to get an A* in A Level Geography.