
Modern Languages

Hi there, my name is Jack and I am an MA Student at Lancaster Uni. I am also an alumni of the same university as I studyied a BA in Modern Languages for 4 years.
I am also a private tutor and so I post some of my lesson plans on here to allow other people to learn languages and get a feel for certain aspects of a language.


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31 items

Spanish Grammar Bundle

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Spanish Grammar Bundle includes an overall Spanish grammar PDF and powerpoints on the following grammar points - Subject pronouns - Past tense - Useful verbs - Spanish Alphabet

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  • Package deal
  •  • 8 items • 
  • by jackcaine • 
  • uploaded  2023
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Arabic influences on Spanish language and culture

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Official Spanish title: Una investigación a propósito de las influencias árabes en la lengua y cultura española. An investigation into the arabic influences on Spanish language and culture. *Written in Spanish*

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  • Essay
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by jackcaine • 
  • uploaded  2023
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A-Level History: Stuart Britain Bundle

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Includes full year 12 and 13 revision notes, essay plans and additional study material.

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  • Package deal
  •  • 2 items • 
  • by jackcaine • 
  • uploaded  2023
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A-level History: Russian Revolution

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A-Level History: Revolution and Dictatorship 1917-1953 AQA Summary notes. Includes: - Summary notes for year 12 / AS level - Summar notes for year 13 / A2 level - Essay plans - Essays

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  • Package deal
  •  • 4 items • 
  • by jackcaine • 
  • uploaded  2023
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