

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller jeorgelewis.


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5 Reviews received

25 items

Our Country's Good: Character Analysis

1x  sold

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed analysis and summary of each character in Our Country's good. Each Character is clearly described in detail under the headings; Personality, Context of character, Character Arc/ Aims, Wertenbakers intentions, Costume, Vocal and Physical Skills, and a description of their main scenes. As well as this, there is a page explaining the status between the characters. This document helped me immensely when revisi...

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  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Lecture notes
  •  • 28 pages • 
  • by jeorgelewis • 
  • uploaded  2021
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Our Country's Good: Full Scene Summaries

0x  sold

These documents hold a clear, in-depth, and very detailed summary of each scene in both acts of Our Country's Good.

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  • Package deal
  •  • 2 items • 
  • by jeorgelewis • 
  • uploaded  2021
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Our Country's Good: Act Two Scene Summaries

0x  sold

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed summary of each scene in the secound Act of Our Country's Good. Each scene is described under the headings of the aim of the scene, the summary of the scene, audience reaction, Wertenbakers intentions, context of the scene as well as in-depth analysis of the possible lighting, sound, set, and costume design. As well as a quoted description of how the actors could present the characters in this scene. This docu...

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  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Summary
  •  • 19 pages • 
  • by jeorgelewis • 
  • uploaded  2021
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Our Country's Good: Act One Scene Summaries

3x  sold

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded, and very detailed summary of each scene in the first Act of Our Country's Good. Each scene is described under the headings of the aim of the scene, the summary of the scene, audiences reaction, Wertenbakers intentions, the context of the scene as well as an indepth analysis of the possible lighting, sound, set, and costume design. As well as a quoted description of how the actors could present the characters in this scene. This...

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  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Summary
  •  • 19 pages • 
  • by jeorgelewis • 
  • uploaded  2021
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Our Country's Good: Exam Tips

1x  sold

In-depth, clear, aesthetically pleasing, and helpful exam tips to study for Component 1: Drama and Theatre Studies, specifically tailored to the play Our Country's Good. This document covers all possible questions to come up in the exam, including how to skillfully answer either directing, performing, set, costume, sound, or lighting design questions. As well as providing specifically tailored sentence starters and word alternatives in order to achieve the highest grade possible.

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  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Lecture notes
  •  • 2 pages • 
  • by jeorgelewis • 
  • uploaded  2021
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