On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller jodiekelly.
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111 items
liberalism thinkers summary
a summary of the thinkers of liberalism. such thinkers include: 
1. john locke 
2. thomas hobbes 
3. adam smith 
4. john stuart mills 
5. mary wollstonecraft 
6. samuel smiles 
7. hubert spencer 
8. john rawls
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
a summary of the thinkers of liberalism. such thinkers include: 
1. john locke 
2. thomas hobbes 
3. adam smith 
4. john stuart mills 
5. mary wollstonecraft 
6. samuel smiles 
7. hubert spencer 
8. john rawls
university application which saw me accepted into all five of my chosen universities
The intention of this document is to show students how an application could be written and how ideas should be portrayed. Its contents, however, should not be duplicated, as submitting an already sent application is a violation. 
This application saw my acceptance into: 
- Chicester University 
- Brighton University 
- Southampton University 
- Exeter University 
- Winchester University
- Other
- • 1 pages •
The intention of this document is to show students how an application could be written and how ideas should be portrayed. Its contents, however, should not be duplicated, as submitting an already sent application is a violation. 
This application saw my acceptance into: 
- Chicester University 
- Brighton University 
- Southampton University 
- Exeter University 
- Winchester University
alevel english - Phantom of the Opera quotation analysis used in AQA revision
Phantom of the opera quote analysis
- Book
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Phantom of the opera quote analysis
Explain and analyse three key features of the judiciary in the UK - 8/9 marks
Answering the mentioned question
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
Answering the mentioned question
Explain and analyse three ways in which parliament can scrutinise the executive - 8/9 marks
Ways in which parliament can scrutinise the executive
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
Ways in which parliament can scrutinise the executive
What are the power of the presidents? 9/9 marks
Three examples of the president's powers
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
Three examples of the president's powers
How can the candidacy be influenced? 9/9 marks
Answering how candidate selection can be influenced.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
Answering how candidate selection can be influenced.
An analysis of Arthur Miller's tragic play 'Death of a Salesman' for AQA English Lit
An analysis of the tragedy which is 'Death of a Salesman' through the analysis of quotations, characters, ideologies, themes as well as scene directions,
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
An analysis of the tragedy which is 'Death of a Salesman' through the analysis of quotations, characters, ideologies, themes as well as scene directions,
Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Alevel Cold War AQA sumarised
an in-depth analysis of the events in the first four sections of the AQA history course 'Cold War', with summarization, support and character profiles.
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
an in-depth analysis of the events in the first four sections of the AQA history course 'Cold War', with summarization, support and character profiles.
American interests
A package relating to two significant moments in US recent history
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
- Understanding the history of Roe vs Wade • Summary
- The Assassination of John F. Kennedy • Summary
A package relating to two significant moments in US recent history
Explore the significance of act 2, scene 1 of King Lear in comparison to the rest of the play
An analysis of John Keats' poetry for alevel english
“The religious settlement imposed by Charles II on his Restoration failed to solve the religious problems of the previous 20 years” Assess the validity of this view.
An analysis of Atonement, Brighton Rock and Rime of the Ancient Mariner
An analysis of Sylvia Plath's 'Mushrooms'