making a-levels accessible
I did Chemistry OCR, Biology Edexcel and Psychology AQA for A-Level, I mainly have psychology revision resources as this was my favourite subject but I have notes on every topic in each subject so let me know if you would like a specific topic whether its detailed notes, concise notes, flashcards or model answers!
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16 items

Gender Bias in Psychology - AQA, OCR, Edexcel A-Level Psychology
- Flashcards
- • 10 items •

The Biological Approach - Psychology AQA
Concise yet detailed notes on the entire of the Biological Approach for AQA Psychology. Key terminology is taken directly from mark-schemes and will improve your knowledge and grades significantly.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Concise yet detailed notes on the entire of the Biological Approach for AQA Psychology. Key terminology is taken directly from mark-schemes and will improve your knowledge and grades significantly.

The Behaviourist Approach - Approaches to Psychology AQA A
A concise yet detailed description of the entire of the Behaviourist Approach. These notes contain the key terminology taken from markschemes and will assist in perfecting your answers for your exam. Includes: Pavlov - research + evaluation, Skinner - research + evaluation and overall AO1 and AO3.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
A concise yet detailed description of the entire of the Behaviourist Approach. These notes contain the key terminology taken from markschemes and will assist in perfecting your answers for your exam. Includes: Pavlov - research + evaluation, Skinner - research + evaluation and overall AO1 and AO3.

Definitions of Abnormality - AQA PSYCHOLOGY (A-Level)
- Flashcards
- • 10 items •

Summary Unit 4 - Psychopathology - Definitions of Abnormality
This document outlines the 4 key definitions of abnormality as specified by AQA and their evaluation- strengths and limitations. It is a summary of the sub-topic and great to use for last minute exam preparation as well as memorising the details. The notes are in line with the AQA specification and cover all parts that it needs to. The rest of the notes for Unit 4 will follow shortly and they will all be available to buy as individuals or as a whole pack.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
This document outlines the 4 key definitions of abnormality as specified by AQA and their evaluation- strengths and limitations. It is a summary of the sub-topic and great to use for last minute exam preparation as well as memorising the details. The notes are in line with the AQA specification and cover all parts that it needs to. The rest of the notes for Unit 4 will follow shortly and they will all be available to buy as individuals or as a whole pack.