On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller meganjoeyb.
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4.3 Alcohols and Phenols
Summary booklet on the content needed for 4.3 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Formation of alcohols 
- Oxidation 
- Reduction 
- Dehydration 
- Esterification 
- Halogenation 
- Phenol 
- Phenol acidity 
- Phenol reactions 
- Tests for phenol
- Summary
- • 11 pages •
Summary booklet on the content needed for 4.3 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Formation of alcohols 
- Oxidation 
- Reduction 
- Dehydration 
- Esterification 
- Halogenation 
- Phenol 
- Phenol acidity 
- Phenol reactions 
- Tests for phenol
4.2 Aromaticity
Summary booklet on the content needed for 4.2 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Benzene structure 
- Kekules Theory 
- Reactions of Benzene 
- C-Cl bond strength 
- Phenol acidity
- Summary
- • 7 pages •
Summary booklet on the content needed for 4.2 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Benzene structure 
- Kekules Theory 
- Reactions of Benzene 
- C-Cl bond strength 
- Phenol acidity
4.1 Stereoisomerism
Summary booklet of the content needed for 4.1 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning content and creating flashcards. 
- Structural isomerism 
- Stereoisomerism
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Summary booklet of the content needed for 4.1 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning content and creating flashcards. 
- Structural isomerism 
- Stereoisomerism
3.9 Acid-Base Equilibria
Summary booklet containing the content needed for 3.9 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Acid and Base definitions 
- Calculating pH of strong acids 
- Kw and the ionic product of water 
- Calculating pH of strong bases 
- Reactions of strong acids and strong bases 
- Weak acids 
- Reactions of weak acids and strong bases 
- Half neutralisation point 
- Buffers 
- Calculating pH and changes in pH for buffers 
- Acid-Base titrations 
- ...
- Summary
- • 10 pages •
Summary booklet containing the content needed for 3.9 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Acid and Base definitions 
- Calculating pH of strong acids 
- Kw and the ionic product of water 
- Calculating pH of strong bases 
- Reactions of strong acids and strong bases 
- Weak acids 
- Reactions of weak acids and strong bases 
- Half neutralisation point 
- Buffers 
- Calculating pH and changes in pH for buffers 
- Acid-Base titrations 
- ...
3.8 Equilibrium Constants
Summary booklet containing the content needed for 3.8 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Recap of AS dynamic equilibria and Le Chatelier's Principle 
- Kc 
- Factors affecting Kc 
- Equilibrium quantities 
- Kp 
- Calculating partial pressures
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
Summary booklet containing the content needed for 3.8 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
- Recap of AS dynamic equilibria and Le Chatelier's Principle 
- Kc 
- Factors affecting Kc 
- Equilibrium quantities 
- Kp 
- Calculating partial pressures
3.5 Chemical Kinetics
Summary booklet of all the content needed for 3.5 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards 
- AS kinetics recap 
- Factors affecting rate 
- Calculating initial rate 
- Order of reactions 
- Rate expression 
- Factors affecting the rate constant 
- Rate determining step 
- Arrhenius equation
- Summary
- • 11 pages •
Summary booklet of all the content needed for 3.5 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards 
- AS kinetics recap 
- Factors affecting rate 
- Calculating initial rate 
- Order of reactions 
- Rate expression 
- Factors affecting the rate constant 
- Rate determining step 
- Arrhenius equation
3.1 and 3.2 Electrodes and Redox Reactions
A summary booklet with all the content needed for 3.1 and 3.2 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
 - Oxidation states 
- Forming and combining half equations 
- Electrode potentials and cells 
- DANIEL and SHE cells 
- The electrochemical series 
- Redox titrations 
- Predicting redox reactions 
- EMF 
- Uses of redox reactions 
- Fuel cells
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
A summary booklet with all the content needed for 3.1 and 3.2 WJEC A level Chemistry. Useful for learning the content and creating flashcards. 
 - Oxidation states 
- Forming and combining half equations 
- Electrode potentials and cells 
- DANIEL and SHE cells 
- The electrochemical series 
- Redox titrations 
- Predicting redox reactions 
- EMF 
- Uses of redox reactions 
- Fuel cells