Hello! I'm Madeline, a UCL Law graduate and a future trainee solicitor. I'm currently selling my lecture notes and past essay outlines on Company Law, Commercial Law, and Environmental Law topics. Please contact me with any queries regarding unposted materials.
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UCL Company Law 2022-23
Comprehensive and full company law notes from UCL Company Law module 2022-23, covering the WHOLE academic year, having attended all lectures and tutorials as well as completing all textbook readings.
- Package deal
- • 12 items •
- UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes on Corporate Constitution • Lecture notes
- UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Intro to company law • Lecture notes
- UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Debentures • Lecture notes
- UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate liability • Lecture notes
- UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate theories • Lecture notes
- And more ….
Comprehensive and full company law notes from UCL Company Law module 2022-23, covering the WHOLE academic year, having attended all lectures and tutorials as well as completing all textbook readings.

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Business forms and company formation
Includes a list of secondary sources on the nature of the firm and company formation. Covers different views of the firm as organising economic activity, forms of business enterprise, company formation (LLPs, limited by guarantee, limited by shares, public vs. private companies), and more.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 10 pages •
Includes a list of secondary sources on the nature of the firm and company formation. Covers different views of the firm as organising economic activity, forms of business enterprise, company formation (LLPs, limited by guarantee, limited by shares, public vs. private companies), and more.

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Separate legal personality
Outlines the circumstances in which companies have separate legal personalities vs. circumstances where they do not. Covers case summaries on key cases on separate legal personality, a critical look at Salomon v Salomon, the consequences of separate legal personalities, the creation of limited liability, arguments for and against limited liability, and group vs. subsidiary interests of the company.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 12 pages •
Outlines the circumstances in which companies have separate legal personalities vs. circumstances where they do not. Covers case summaries on key cases on separate legal personality, a critical look at Salomon v Salomon, the consequences of separate legal personalities, the creation of limited liability, arguments for and against limited liability, and group vs. subsidiary interests of the company.

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Organs of the company
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Organs of the company, covering: the nature of shareholders' interests, matters requiring shareholder approval, shareholder decision making, class rights protection (though little), and the role of directors
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 31 pages •
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Organs of the company, covering: the nature of shareholders' interests, matters requiring shareholder approval, shareholder decision making, class rights protection (though little), and the role of directors

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Minority shareholder action
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: minority shareholder action (3-lecture document) covering minority shareholder rights and shareholder litigation, and their legal, statutory, and practical limitations. Explores definitions and theories of control and fraud. Outlines the process of bringing a derivative claim against a company. Cites secondary sources for helpful reference.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 27 pages •
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: minority shareholder action (3-lecture document) covering minority shareholder rights and shareholder litigation, and their legal, statutory, and practical limitations. Explores definitions and theories of control and fraud. Outlines the process of bringing a derivative claim against a company. Cites secondary sources for helpful reference.

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Share capital and maintenance
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Share capital and maintenance, covering: mischief in the maintenance doctrine, rules dictating share capital maintenance under the Companies Act, and distributions and dividends. 
Provides guiding questions for assessing the maintenance doctrine's relevance. Includes a short list of helpful secondary sources.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 17 pages •
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Share capital and maintenance, covering: mischief in the maintenance doctrine, rules dictating share capital maintenance under the Companies Act, and distributions and dividends. 
Provides guiding questions for assessing the maintenance doctrine's relevance. Includes a short list of helpful secondary sources.

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Directors' duties
Comprehensive and complete lecture notes on all directors' duties under the Companies Act 2006. Referenced in writing first-class company law coursework. Covers theories, arguments, and controversies of Companies Act 2006 director's duties, as well as other more niche points of "sleeping directors", some corporate theories, and duties in relation to other types of transactions (quasi-loans and credit, substantial property transaction, non-cash assets, etc.)
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 45 pages •
Comprehensive and complete lecture notes on all directors' duties under the Companies Act 2006. Referenced in writing first-class company law coursework. Covers theories, arguments, and controversies of Companies Act 2006 director's duties, as well as other more niche points of "sleeping directors", some corporate theories, and duties in relation to other types of transactions (quasi-loans and credit, substantial property transaction, non-cash assets, etc.)

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Piercing the corporate veil
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: piercing the corporate veil, covering: Salomon v Salomon, theories of veil piercing (agency, sham or facade, evasion of existing legal obligations, assumptions of personal responsibility, single economic units, interests of justice), and more. Contains casenotes on fundamental corporate veil cases including: Prest v Petrodel, VTB v Nutritek, DHN v Tower Hamlets, and more. 
Lecture notes polished for essay writing.
- Package deal
- Lecture notes
- • 19 pages •
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: piercing the corporate veil, covering: Salomon v Salomon, theories of veil piercing (agency, sham or facade, evasion of existing legal obligations, assumptions of personal responsibility, single economic units, interests of justice), and more. Contains casenotes on fundamental corporate veil cases including: Prest v Petrodel, VTB v Nutritek, DHN v Tower Hamlets, and more. 
Lecture notes polished for essay writing.

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate theories
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate theories, covering: internal and external corporate power, the implications and role of corporate theory (normative and positive), contractarianism (history, definition, theory, arguments, and counterarguments), and stakeholder theory (history, definition, theory, arguments, and counterarguments). Includes secondary sources in notes. Helpful to getting a first class in company law.
- Package deal
- Lecture notes
- • 15 pages •
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate theories, covering: internal and external corporate power, the implications and role of corporate theory (normative and positive), contractarianism (history, definition, theory, arguments, and counterarguments), and stakeholder theory (history, definition, theory, arguments, and counterarguments). Includes secondary sources in notes. Helpful to getting a first class in company law.

UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate liability
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate liability, covering: the three Meridian rules of attribution, avenues for corporate liability (vicarious, primary, secondary, and subsidiary liability), duties of care, corporate criminal liability and statutory intervention
- Package deal
- Lecture notes
- • 16 pages •
UCL 2022-23 Lecture notes: Corporate liability, covering: the three Meridian rules of attribution, avenues for corporate liability (vicarious, primary, secondary, and subsidiary liability), duties of care, corporate criminal liability and statutory intervention