Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur AVL2.
- 92
- 0
- 11
- Abonnés
- Abbonements
4 Avis reçus
107 éléments
Summary QbD
Summary of the 3 lectures about clinical trials in practice.
- Resume
- • 27 pages •
Summary of the 3 lectures about clinical trials in practice.
Patents and innovation
Summary of the lecture 'partnering with industry'
- Resume
- • 8 pages •
Summary of the lecture 'partnering with industry'
Summary lecture patents and innovation: innovation
Summary of lecture 2 of the course 'patents and innovation'
- Resume
- • 14 pages •
Summary of lecture 2 of the course 'patents and innovation'
Patents and innovation introduction lecture
Introduction summary
- Resume
- • 9 pages •
Introduction summary
Summary lectures GLP
Summary of the two lectures of GLP. Written in English.
- Resume
- • 15 pages •
Summary of the two lectures of GLP. Written in English.
Summary lectures advanced data analysis
Summary advanced data analysis lectures and some exercises.
- Resume
- • 39 pages •
Summary advanced data analysis lectures and some exercises.
Summary PCA advanced data analysis
Summary lesson PCA
- Resume
- • 6 pages •
Summary lesson PCA
Summary processing advanced data analysis
Summary of the powerpoint of processing.
- Resume
- • 6 pages •
Summary of the powerpoint of processing.
Summary introduction lesson advanced data analysis.
Summary introduction lesson advanced data analysis.
- Resume
- • 6 pages •
Summary introduction lesson advanced data analysis.
Overview of the practicals of advanced data analysis
Overview of the most important things in the practicals of advanced data analysis including the take home assignment.
- Resume
- • 14 pages •
Overview of the most important things in the practicals of advanced data analysis including the take home assignment.
Samenvattingen anatomie bewegingsapparaat (resultaat: 18/20)
Bio-ethics examenvragen (resultaat: 19/20)
Samenvattingen anatomie bewegingsapparaat (resultaat: 18/20)
Samenvatting zelfstudie videogames