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Meest verkochte samenvattingen voor Consumer Behavior
Summary Consumer Behavior book
- Samenvatting • 54 pagina's • 2024 Populair
- €6,99
- + meer info
I passed the exam with a 9.2 
This is a summary of the book "Consumer Behavior (2nd edition). Frank R. Kardes, Maria L. Cronley, & Thomas W. Cline. Cengage Learning, 2020". 
It contains all the mandatory chapters 
1. Understanding Consumer Behavior and Consumer Research 
4. Consumer Perception 
5. Learning and Memory 
6. Automatic Information Processing 
7. Motivation and Emotion 
8. Attitude and Judgment Formation and Change 
9. The Consumer Decision Making Process 
10. Product...
Nieuwste samenvattingen van Consumer Behavior
Summary Consumer Behavior book
- Samenvatting • 54 pagina's • 2024 Nieuw
- €6,99
- + meer info
I passed the exam with a 9.2 
This is a summary of the book "Consumer Behavior (2nd edition). Frank R. Kardes, Maria L. Cronley, & Thomas W. Cline. Cengage Learning, 2020". 
It contains all the mandatory chapters 
1. Understanding Consumer Behavior and Consumer Research 
4. Consumer Perception 
5. Learning and Memory 
6. Automatic Information Processing 
7. Motivation and Emotion 
8. Attitude and Judgment Formation and Change 
9. The Consumer Decision Making Process 
10. Product...
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