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MMSR: summary of all 4 analyses
Summary consisting of all the stages in the process of the analyses with examples from lectures:
Factor analysis (exploratory and confirmatory)
(M)AN(C)OVA (and differences between the types of ANOVA)
Regression Analysis (multiple and single)
Partial Least Squared (SEM in ADANCO)
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- Samenvatting
- • 34 pagina's •
Summary consisting of all the stages in the process of the analyses with examples from lectures:
Factor analysis (exploratory and confirmatory)
(M)AN(C)OVA (and differences between the types of ANOVA)
Regression Analysis (multiple and single)
Partial Least Squared (SEM in ADANCO)
MMSR: summary of all 4 analyses
MMSR: summary of all 4 analyses
MMSR: summary of all 4 analyses
exporatory en confirmatory zijn door elkaar gehaald