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Summary Book International Management + summary papers Benito & Grant + 3 study tips
This is a summary of the book for the course International Management in the Strategic Management and International Management program. By using this summary, I got a 9,5 (95 out of 100 points) for the exam. It was the highest grade out of all students in that year. The book that is used in this course is called International Business Strategy, written by Alain Verbeke (2nd edition). This summary also contains the summary of two additional papers; the paper by Benito and the paper by Grant. As a...
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 33 pagina's •
This is a summary of the book for the course International Management in the Strategic Management and International Management program. By using this summary, I got a 9,5 (95 out of 100 points) for the exam. It was the highest grade out of all students in that year. The book that is used in this course is called International Business Strategy, written by Alain Verbeke (2nd edition). This summary also contains the summary of two additional papers; the paper by Benito and the paper by Grant. As a...
Summary Book International Management + summary papers Benito & Grant + 3 study tips
Summary Book International Management + summary papers Benito & Grant + 3 study tips
Summary Book International Management + summary papers Benito & Grant + 3 study tips