Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper laura270400.
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41 items
Social Judgement Theory of Muzafer Sherif
Summary of the Social Judgement Theory of Muzafer Sherif, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
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- • 3 pagina's •
Summary of the Social Judgement Theory of Muzafer Sherif, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
Media myths by Klaus Schönbach, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
Summary of Klaus Schönbach's media myths
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- • 2 pagina's •
Summary of Klaus Schönbach's media myths
Media Effects - Introduction to Communication Science
This bundle includes notes on the module "media effects" discussed in week 1 and 2 of Communication Science. Notes on the following topics are included:
- Cultivation Theory 
- Priming 
- Social Learning Theory 
- Media Ecology 
- Media myths
- Third Person Effect
- Voordeelbundel
- • 6 items •
- Cultivation Theory of George Gerbner • Samenvatting
- Priming • Samenvatting
- Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura • Samenvatting
- Media Ecology of Marshall McLuhan • Samenvatting
- Media myths by Klaus Schönbach, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA • Samenvatting
- En meer ….
This bundle includes notes on the module "media effects" discussed in week 1 and 2 of Communication Science. Notes on the following topics are included:
- Cultivation Theory 
- Priming 
- Social Learning Theory 
- Media Ecology 
- Media myths
- Third Person Effect
Third Person Effect
Summary of the third person effect, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
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- • 1 pagina's •
Summary of the third person effect, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
Media Ecology of Marshall McLuhan
Summary of the Media Ecology by Marshall McLuhan, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
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- • 4 pagina's •
Summary of the Media Ecology by Marshall McLuhan, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura
Notes on the Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
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- • 2 pagina's •
Notes on the Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
A short summary of the Priming concept, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
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- • 2 pagina's •
A short summary of the Priming concept, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
Communication Consultancy Lecture 1
Notes on the first Lecture of the Communication Consultancy course (part of the Communication Science program at the University of Amsterdam)
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- College aantekeningen
- • 5 pagina's •
Notes on the first Lecture of the Communication Consultancy course (part of the Communication Science program at the University of Amsterdam)
Elaboration Likelihood Model of Richard Petty & John Cacioppo
This is a summary of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of Richard Petty and John Cacioppo, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA. (This is the theory discussed in the "Media Use" module)
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- • 5 pagina's •
This is a summary of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of Richard Petty and John Cacioppo, which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA. (This is the theory discussed in the "Media Use" module)
Uses and Gratifications of Elihu Katz
This is a summary of the Uses and Gratifications theory of Elihu Katz, , which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA
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- • 6 pagina's •
This is a summary of the Uses and Gratifications theory of Elihu Katz, , which is part of the Introduction to Communication Science course at the UvA