That is not my fault, but that of Stuvia ... My entire layout is neatly laid out, but the formatting is different when it is uploaded. Send me a message via for the original. Then I hope for a better score.
The summary was drawn up in 2016 and was then complete. For now it is a good guide but must be viewed next to the course sheet to notice any changes. Should be good enough to succeed because the main lines in the subject matter do not change to 1-2-3 :-)
Wiskunde SMV obv Fiche 05/2016
Wiskunde SMV obv Fiche 05/2016
Natuurwetenschappen SMV obv Fiche 04/2016
Wiskunde SMV obv Fiche 05/2016
3 pages on 10!
Translated by GoogleAardrijkskunde SMV obv Fiche 01/2016
Here and there a mistake and incomplete
Translated by Google