

Pls leave a rating if you thought my summary was useful! I spend a lot of time making them, and I'd like to be able to pay my rent :)))
Bachelor education: AUC Liberal Arts & Sciences

Master's education: Youth Education & Society at the University of Utrecht (Universiteit van Utrecht)

(Future) Master's education: Seksuologie op de KU Leuven


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10 items

Integration and Cultural Diversity readings + lectures summary

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This document contains a summary of the assigned readings + lectures. The document is formatted so everything assigned in the same week is put together for easy legibility. At the end of the document, there will be an outline with the most important topics for the exam and a list of terminology/definitions. This course is originally part of Social Policy and Public Health but can be taken as an elective.

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  • Summary
  •  • 91 pages • 
  • by MarieVelden • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Jeugd en Recht samenvatting

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Dit document bevat een samenvatting van het onderdeel Jeugd en Recht binnen het vak Academic Professional. De samenvatting gaat vooral over het boek Jeugdrecht in de Praktijk - Ido Weijers, hoofdstuk 1-6. De samenvatting is ook zinvol voor studenten die dit boek moeten leren maar niet het vak Academic Professional volgen. Verder bevat de samenvatting ook notities voor de andere readings, namelijk: Aanpassing afstammings-en gezagsrecht gewenst voor ongehuwd samenwonende ouders rechtspraak A...

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  •  Book
  • Summary
  •  • 49 pages • 
  • by MarieVelden • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Paradigms and Global Perspectives readings summary

14x  sold

This document contains a detailed summary of all readings assigned during the Paradigms and Global Perspectives course in the Youth, Education & Society master. The readings are sorted by the week in which it has been assigned. I included page numbers within the summary so it will be easier to cite the papers for essays and/or take-home exams. I omitted summarizing the books Community Psychology and the book by Micha de Winter. I did summarize the chapter in the book Children, Youth and Develo...

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  • Summary
  •  • 57 pages • 
  • by MarieVelden • 
  • uploaded  2022
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