HMGT 3301
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HMGT 3301 EXAM 1 - Chapter 3, Question with accurate answers, 100% Accurate, rated A+ Why did the professionalization of medicine start later in the U.S. than in some Western European nations? - -American medicine lagged behind the advances in medical science, experimental research and medical education and maintained a domestic character because... (i) Americans had a tendency to neglect research in basic sciences and placed more emphasis on applied sciences (ii) American attitudes abo...
HMGT 3301 chapter 4. Question with answers, rated A+. 100% Accurate. Healthcare will continue to grow because: - -Growth in population Aging in population Doctor of medicine (MD) - -Views medical treatment as active intervention Most are specialist Doctor of Osteopathic medicine (DO) - -Emphasizes the musculoskeletal system of the body such as corrections of the joint or tissue Takes holistic approach Most are generalist How does a MD and DO differ? - -They differ in the...
HMGT 3301 Chapter 8, All Questions and answers, 100% Accurate, graded A+ What is the difference between inpatient and outpatient services? - -Inpatient = an overnight stay in a facility hospital = a facility with at least 6 beds and a nursing staff 24 hrs/day -hospitals consume the biggest share of national health care spending -hospitals are being targeted by govt and insurers for control of expenses How did hospitals' purpose and function evolve from 'custodial/quarantine' faci...
HMGT 3301 Exam 2 Fall 2022. Questions with accurate answers, rated A+ Which of the following is a typical setting for ambulatory care services? - -Sports medicine clinics Physicians' offices Dialysis centers Typically, tertiary care: - -Is highly specialized Countries whose health systems are oriented more toward primary care achieve: - -Higher satisfaction with health services among their populations The most prominent reason for the decline in the number of procedures performe...
HMGT 3301 - Chapter 1 Overview of Healthcare (exam 1), Question with accurate answers, rated A+ The government finances public insurance through these 3 programs - -Medicare (elderly) Medicaid (financial) CHIP (kids) Characteristics of the U.S. healthcare system - --Many types of financial arrangements -Many insurance agencies (MCOs or gov) with diff plans -Multiple players multiple prices -Many types of places to receive care -Many consulting firms Problems of a loosely coordi...
HMGT 3301 Exam 1 - Chapter 2. All Questions with accurate answers. Graded A+ 1. What is the role of health risk appraisal in health promotion and disease prevention? - -a. It is the evaluation of risk factors and their health consequences for individuals. Only when the risks factors and their health consequences are known can interventions be developed to help individuals adopt healthier lifestyles. 2. Health promotion and disease prevention may require both behavioral modification and...
HMGT 3301 Exam 3, Question with accurate answers, rated A+ Vulnerability Framework - -1) Predisoposing 2) Enabling 3) Need characteristics Predisposing Characteristics - --Racial/ethnic characteristics -Gender and age (women and children) -Geographic location (rural health) Enabling Characteristics - --Insurance status -Homelessness Need Characteristics - --Mental Health -Chronic illlness -HIV Vulnerability Model - --Comprehensive (ecological and individual risk factors...
HMGT 3301 EXAM 1 - Chapter 1, 2 & 3. Top Questions with accurate answers, graded A+ Why did the professionalization of medicine start later in the U.S. than in some Western European nations? - -American medicine lagged behind the advances in medical science, experimental research and medical education and maintained a domestic character because... (i) Americans had a tendency to neglect research in basic sciences and placed more emphasis on applied sciences (ii) American attitudes about...
HMGT 3301 Exam 1 - Chapter 1, Top Questions with accurate answers, 100% Accurate. 1. Why does cost containment remain an elusive goal in US health services delivery? - -Limited resources, health insurance premiums costs are increasing faster than inflation, rising costs limit the ability to offer health benefits, rising costs takes toll on the lower-income households, taxes are already high 2. What are two main objectives of a health care delivery system? - -a. Enabling all citizens to...
exam 1 review questions (HMGT 3301). Top Exam Questions with accurate answers, rated A+ what percentage of people are covered by healthcare? - -90% what percentage of our GDP does healthcare represent - -18% how many people does the healthcare workforce employ? - -16.4 million how much of the $3 trillion dollars spent on healthcare is considered fraud/waste/abuse of the system? - -$1 trillion (1/3) how much does the US spend on healthcare research? - -$200 billion what does t...