University of British Columbia (UBC )
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PSYC300 Lecture Notes
- Class notes • 58 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Discover the fascinating world of abnormal psychology with comprehensive lecture notes for PSYC300. Delve into the study of psychological disorders, exploring their causes, symptoms, and treatment approaches. Gain insights into the complexities of mental health conditions and the impact they have on individuals and society. These notes provide a concise overview, inviting you to explore the diverse manifestations of abnormal psychology and foster a deeper understanding of psychological well-bein...
Chapter 1 - Conceptualizing "Abnormality"
- Class notes • 19 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Explore the lecture notes on conceptualizing "abnormal." Gain insights into diverse perspectives and theories surrounding abnormality in psychology. Delve into historical context, evolving definitions, and theoretical frameworks that shape our understanding. Examine the role of culture, subjectivity, and social norms in defining abnormal behaviour. Uncover challenges and controversies in labelling and diagnosing psychological disorders. These lecture notes offer a comprehensive resource for un...
Chapter 2 - Models of Psychopathology
- Class notes • 24 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Explore lecture notes on Models of Psychopathology. Gain insights into diverse theoretical models that explain the development and manifestation of psychological disorders. Examine various perspectives, such as the biological, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and sociocultural models. Discover how these models contribute to our understanding of psychopathology.
Chapter 5 - Anxiety Disorders
- Class notes • 21 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Explore lecture notes on anxiety disorders. Gain insights into generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and related conditions. Examine diagnostic criteria, symptoms, and contributing factors. Discover evidence-based treatments for managing anxiety.
Chapter 6 - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Class notes • 14 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Welcome to the lecture notes on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In this comprehensive collection, I explored the intricate aspects of OCD, an anxiety-related disorder. I delved into the diagnostic criteria, symptoms, and subtypes of OCD, providing an in-depth understanding of its clinical presentation. I gained insight into the underlying cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms that contribute to the development of OCD. I explored the impact of obsessions and compulsions on individuals' d...
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Chapter 8 - Mood Disorders
- Class notes • 22 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Explore lecture notes on mood disorders. Gain insights into the complexities of depression, bipolar disorder, and related conditions. Examine diagnostic criteria, symptoms, and contributing factors. Discover evidence-based treatments for managing mood disorders.
Chapter 9 - PTSD
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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In this comprehensive collection, we explored the intricate aspects of PTSD, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. We gained insight into the psychological and physiological effects of traumatic events on individuals. We delved into the diagnostic criteria and assessment methods for identifying PTSD. We discovered evidence-based therapeutic approaches and interventions that promote healing and resilience. We explored the latest research findings, risk factors, and associated con...
Chapter 10 - Eating Disorders
- Class notes • 16 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Explore the lecture notes on eating disorders. Gain insights into the complexities of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Delve into diagnostic criteria, symptoms, and contributing factors. Examine psychological, societal, and cultural influences on disordered eating. Discover evidence-based treatments for recovery. These lecture notes provide a comprehensive understanding of eating disorders and their treatment.
Chapter 11 - Schizophrenia
- Class notes • 13 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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In this comprehensive collection, we explore the complex and fascinating aspects of schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder. We delve into the diagnostic criteria, symptoms, and subtypes of schizophrenia, providing an in-depth understanding of its clinical presentation. Gain insight into the neurobiological and genetic factors that contribute to the development of schizophrenia. Explore the psychological and social impact of the disorder on individuals and their families. Delve into evidence-bas...
Chapter 12 Substance Abuse Disorders
- Class notes • 28 pages • 2023
- CA$12.74
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Explore lecture notes on Substance Abuse Disorders. Gain insights into the complexities of addiction and substance abuse. Examine diagnostic criteria, symptoms, and contributing factors. Discover evidence-based treatments for managing substance abuse disorders.
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