Stuvia in stories & figures

Stuvia in stories & figures

It’s pretty obvious we like Stuvia, but don’t just take our word for it. On this page you will find an overview of Stuvia in stories and figures. You can read about Stuvia in the press, you can read more about our top sellers and you can read what others have to say about Stuvia.

Stuvia in short

"Stuvia is an amazing platform for students to obtain an extra income, it's easy and accessible, very user friendly. I would like to thank the designers and."

LearnLibrary LearnLibrary
University of South Africa (Unisa)

Documents sold


New Stuvia users


Documents sold


Happy customers

"It's awesome. As a Nursing student, I have been making lots of money selling study materials. Sincerely, I'm really happy I found this Stuvia site. "

RobertaDiva RobertaDiva
Dallas County Community College District

Top sellers on Stuvia

Experiences from the Stuvia Community

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Experiences from the Stuvia Community

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  • 2 year ago

    "Stuvia is a great online platform for students to help each other out with summaries and quizes. Stuvia has helped me alot over the past two years"

  • 2 year ago

    "I believe that Stuvia is a great opportunity for those to feel appreciated when people are purchasing their documents! Stuvia allows a young person to develop a great sense of entrepreneurship."

  • 2 year ago

    "Stuvia is a wonderful network to interact with different people with diverse background and knowledge. "

  • 2 year ago

    "Stuvia has proved to be a great resource because it offers diverse study resources. You can find almost everything you\'re searching for thus saves time."

  • 2 year ago

    "Thank you. I have got my first $11 from my papers. Stuvia is the platform that everybody else should be using to learn and to get some extra money for their pockets. Thank you Van"

  • 2 year ago

    "I think this platform is very useful to students since we can share our study material with other students and still earn some money. Best website by far to be honest"

  • 2 year ago

    "Very easy to use and professional, quick updates and replies, would definitely recommend it to others!"

  • 2 year ago

    "Stuvia is awesome! It\'s a great way to make some extra cash from study materials! Love this site!! :) "

  • 2 year ago

    "Stuvia is a great platform for both students and tutors. An excellent place that helps students acquire passive income by uploading their notes & Summaries."

  • 2 year ago

    "Stuvia is fantastic for both students looking for study material and study assistance as well as for individuals who are looking for a place to sell their study material."

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