Belief is important, but not as important as action!
Lived in Nazi Germany and was a member of the Confessing Church;
a group of clergy who only recognized one authority: Christ.
Radical, because he did not believe in racial boundaries to
Involved in Operation Valkyrie, to assassinate Hitler. Failed and later
executed in a concentration camp.
Duty to God and duty to the state
Context: Some Christians believed the states laws corresponded
with that of Nazi ideology and joined the German Church. The Holy
Spirit inspired Hitler. Other detached from the state and started the
Confessing Church.
Action should be the centre of action for Christians, going against
the belief that if you disobeyed the state, you disobey God.
Bonhoeffer thought this gave too much power to the state.
The Church needs to think of itself as separate from the state and
should challenge the state if they are letting injustices occur.
Realized pacifism in resistance is secular, as it does not account for
divine justice and peace that is only applicable in the Kingdom of
God. Therefore, resistance, if necessary, should be done. God’s
grace is not denied if you resist the State acting unjustly.
" Silence in the face of evil is, in itself, evil."
God’s Will and obedience
CONTEXT: The state will never fully carry God’s wishes as it is run
by fallen humans; it is up to God’s will whether you should follow to
state currently or not.
God’s will is only “clear in the moment of action” and involves
ridding oneself from personal ambition. It is FAITH.
“One act of obedience is worth a hundred sermons”
Emphasizes the importance of the community (of God) over
autonomous decisions. Agape love is not the ONLY way, just one of
Civil disobedience
CONTEXT: God is more important to follow than the Nazi-run state.
Bonhoeffer was censured in the media for speaking out; this was
one form of action.
His justification for civil disobedience was that humans are fallen
regardless of whoever it is, so there is not guarantee that the
, consequence will be right or wrong. (Disregards consequential
However, all you can really do is act in faith, and allow yourself to
be interrupted by God.
Church as a community
Barmen Declaration of 1934
Rejected the move by the German hierarchy to ban anyone not of
Aryan descent to join the German Church. Centralized a Church
communal opposition to Nazism.
Based of beliefs that: Jesus is the leader; Christians should only
follow scripture and other ideologies do not have authority of a
person’s life.
Bonhoeffer criticized that it needs more emphasis on action, not
There is a difference between a leader (just an individual) and
leadership (grounded in community)
Follow Jesus’ actions, as he was a true leader who directly focused
on God as an authority.
They will be accountable to God for their actions and decisions,
which in theory should be for the best interests of humanity.
The Reich represents a leader divorced from society, with groups
giving up freedoms in obedience to a tyrant
Religion-less Christianity
Bonhoeffer believed Christianity needed to move with the world and
react to the challenges posed in real time by separating itself from
old fashioned ideas (rusty swords) and present ideologies.
Allows for more reflection and fills the Western void.
Religion in a religious-less society must centralise the community
and a transcendent God, as Christian instinct is more important than
“anonymous Christians (Rahner)
Bonhoeffer at the Confessing Church
Bonhoeffer was opposed to the Confessing Church not resisting
Church leaders from taking an oath of obedience to the Nazi’s.
Bonhoeffer at Finklewalde
An illegal seminary where Bonhoeffer trained the resistance, and
where he learnt about the importance of spiritual discipline and how