Explore how Williams presents Stella and Stanley's relationship in A Streetcar
Named Desire.
You should consider the use of dramatic and stylistic techniques in the extract,
its significance within the play and any relevant dramatic or other contexts.
Through A Streetcar Named Desire, William presents a toxic, abusive
relationship through Stella and Stanley. Whilst now, us readers would view the
relationship as abusive, in the nineteen hundreds the relationship would
viewed as ‘the norm’.
One of the main issues, and themes of the play, that causes conflict between
Stella and Stanely, is their class differences. In chapter one, with Blanche's
arrival, we see the class she represents and how this differs to Stella's
lifestyle. From Blanche's arrival, Stella is reminded of where she came from
and the class she was raised with. She is also reminded of how her standards
have fallen since she had married Staney and how she has ‘downgraded’ in
life. When Blanche and Stanley meet, a tension is immediately created, fueled
by their class difference. Williams highlights the class difference between
Stella and Stanley through the etiquette difference between the two. Whilst
Stella remains respectful, a reflection of how she was raised, ‘You have no
idea how stupid and horrid your being! Now close that trunk before she comes
out of the bathroom!’. Stanley's attitude and etiquette, being aggressive,
uncaring and disrespectful, is also a reflection of the class he was raised in,
‘He stalks into the bedroom.’ The use of the word ‘stalks’ suggests that he is
attempting to appear ‘threatening’, showing that Stanley's rage and envy is
consuming him. Stanley feels threatened by Stella as not only is she reminded
of the class she came from, but so is he and the fact that is not and will never
be a part of the higher class. He is humbled by this and therefore his jealousy
is directed onto Stella. His attitude towards her is belittling as he reminds her
that she is no longer a part of the class she once was, ‘Where are your pearls
and gold bracelets?’ He reminds her, forcing her to think about the life she
now has and reminds her that she is not better then Stanley, and that the two
are on the ‘same level’, though from Stellas etiquette and vocabulary alone, it
is obvious this is not the case.
The structure of this chapter starts with Stanley in a relatively ‘calm’ state;
however, as the chapter develops, a new side to Stanley is revealed. The
stage directions highlight his growing irritation, ‘he stalks’, and develops
further to show his rage, ‘he kicks the trunk’, ‘he hurls’. As the chapter