radiation can come from a machine
outside the body or from a
radioactive substance injected into
the bloodstream or implanted
inside or near tumour cells.
Benefits Some advantages of using X-rays in CT scanning is noninvasive, painless,
the medical field is to guide and accurate.
medical workers when they inject The capacity of CT to image bone, soft
catheters, stents, or other devices tissue, and blood arteries all at the
into the body, treat tumours, or same time is a significant benefit. CT
remove blood clots or other scanning, unlike traditional x-rays,
obstructions in a non-invasive and produces extremely detailed images of
painless manner. X-rays also allow a variety of tissues, as well as the
for quick imaging, with patients lungs, bones, and blood vessels. CT
being able to go home the same scans are quick and painless. They can
day they have an X-ray. They're disclose internal injuries and bleeding
also great for detecting bone soon enough to save lives in an
fractures and rips because of their emergency.
high bone resolution. For a wide range of clinical problems,
CT has been proved to be a cost-
effective imaging method. When
compared to MRI, CT is less sensitive
to patient movement.
Unlike an MRI, a CT scan will not be
hampered by an implanted medical
device of any kind.
Limitations Some disadvantages can be Cancer, Magnetic resonance imaging can often
hair loss, and skin reddening are all provide a better picture of soft-tissue
possible side effects. As you details in areas like the brain,
become older, your cancer risk gallbladder, internal pelvic organs, and
increases, and some organs are joints (such knees and shoulders)
radiosensitive. Also, some side (MRI). While CT can be performed
effects such as vomiting, bleeding, safely in pregnant women, other non-
fainting, hair thinning and skin radiation imaging procedures, such as
deterioration may be experienced ultrasound or MRI, are suggested if
by some patients. If the portion of they are likely to be as good as CT in
the body being photographed isn't detecting your disease.
the abdomen or pelvis, an x-ray in A huge individual may not be able to fit
a pregnant woman poses no inside the entrance of a traditional CT
known risks to the foetus. In scanner. They could also be beyond
general, clinicians prefer to employ the weight limit for the movable table,
non-radiation examinations such as which is normally 450 pounds.
MRI or ultrasound when imaging Because of the possible risk to the
the abdomen and pelvis is unborn baby, doctors generally do not
required. However, if neither of recommend CT screening for pregnant
these options can provide the women unless it is medically required.
answers needed, or if an According to IV contrast
emergency or other time limitation manufacturers, mothers should not
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015