write to her very often.
Seems to be a very
hubristic character who
wants to be known and
adored, for people to
glorify his name as if
he is a God
‘If I succeed, many, Letter 1 Ambition Suggests that Walton This novel is set in the
many months, perhaps and is so obsessed with 1700s but the first
years, will pass before fallibility what he wants to do he successful polar
you and I may meet’ does not care how long expedition was in
it takes to accomplish 1831 which raises
it- very ambitious. questions about the
Even if it means he will reliability of this
not see his relatives for narrator- Gothic
an extended period of
time. Similar to
Frankenstein who also
goes for lengths
without speaking to his
family, wrapped up in
his desire to create a
‘I desire the company Letter 2 Isolation Expression of his
of a man who could feelings show him to
sympathise with me’ be a romantic. He
seems to feel isolated
and alone with ‘no
friend’ and this makes
him deeply unhappy
just as it does the
creature. However at
the end of letter three
he says ‘Remember
me to all my english
friends’ when he
previously stated he
had no close friends.
This presents Walton
as a hyperbolic
character who
exaggerates reality.
‘Do you not feel your V3 Ch7 Monstro Through Walton,
blood congealed with sity Shelley makes a direct
horror, like that which appeal to the reader
, even now curdles questioning if they feel
mine?’ a degree of horror and
terror (the inevitable
aim of the gothic)
‘Whether I am ever V3 Ch7 Family/ Clear character
doomed to see again Relation development as he
dear England, and the ships previously desired a
dearer friends that friend and now it is
inhabit it’ clear he learnt from
Victor as he
appreciates what he
does have and tries to
value it more.
Victor ’‘A man on the brink of Letter 4 Ambition Walton’s description.
Franke destruction’ / and These quotations show
nstein ‘His eyes have fallibility how severely fatigued
generally an Frankenstein is by his
expression of wildness, quest to give life to the
and even madness’ point that he is near
death. The second
quote makes the
reader question the
reliability of the
narrator before we
even are introduced to
him and his story
properly, preparing the
reader for a tale also
You seek for Letter 4 Knowled Frankenstein defines
knowledge and ge how ambition became
wisdom, as i once did; his downfall. Serpents
and I ardently hope are dichotomous
that the gratification of creatures who are
your wishes may not linked to temptation,
be a serpent to sting just as ambition can
you as mine has been tempt people. Adam
and Eve, when Eve
succumbed to the will
of the serpent she was
banished from
, paradise so
metaphorically it could
be suggesting that
succumbing to the will
of temptation will leave
you isolated as what
you know cannot hurt
‘No youth could have Ch 1 Family/
passed more happily Relation
than mine. My parents ships
were indulgent, and my
companions amiable’
‘Natural Philosophy is Ch 1 Science Natural philosophy
the genius that has refers to the study of
regulated my fate’ the natural world in the
19th century. It is clear
here that it is science
that has interrupted his
idyllic childhood.
‘The elixir of life is a Ch 2 Science the elixir of life is
chimera’ renowned for bringing
immortality and a
chimera refers to a
creature with two sets
of DNA or a creature
from greek mythology
with the head of of a
lion, the body of a goat
and the tail of a snake.
Here Frankenstein
suggests that
immortality and giving
life as a mortal is all
‘They penetrate into Ch 2 Romanti The religious zeal of
the recesses of nature, cism science seems to be
and she how she and very important and
nature have all the answers
works in her hiding
places. They ascend
into the heavens; they
have discovered how
the blood circulates,
and the nature of the