DYNASTY ERA (1250-1517)
It is undeniable that Egypt has fallen throughout its history from many Islamic
royal reading dynasties, from the time of the Tulunids, Ikhshidis, Ayyubids,
Mamaliks, and Ottomans to the ancient times of President Hosni Mubarak.
Researchers and historians of Science provide information about many
dynasties once ruled by the Mamalik dynasty of 1250. 1517 AD was the most
interesting and scientifically fascinating dynasty. Different steps of progress
The field has achieved many things so far, even the impact is still visible today,
such as the beauty of the old Mamalik building in the Bab al-Futuh area of
Husein Area, the beauty of the Sultan Hasan Mosque and others. Scientifically,
the Mamalik era was actually quite mature, different scientific advances were
achieved. There was no other progress apart from the role of the rulers of the
time who supported the clergy and developed their research scientists. The
discipline of astronomy is a study that has not escaped the attention and
support of the mammalic kings, as Zahir Baibar put it. However, for now, learn
There are many of them in Islamic astronomy in the time of Mamalik done1
but still the glory of astronomy This era still holds many mysteries that
researchers and historians astronomical figure figure developed into another
Mamalik era from the previous era conducting research Mammalian
astronomy is becoming increasingly interesting and especially for learning.
The Mamalik Kitan Dynasty is an elusive phenomenon, the Mamalik dynasty
was created by the accumulation and acculturation of various tribes and Slave
nations that created the order of society. Historically, Mamalik managed to
hold back attacks by Mongol forces causing this Hulagu and Timur Lenk.
Suppose Mamalik failed to defend his territory from attack With this
Mongolian army, you can always be sure History and Culture of West Asia and
Egypt fell, the continuity of Culture and civilization could not afford it proved
again. The foundations of Mamalik's rule had been laid by Syajarah ad-Durr, a
female ruler of Islamic rule in North and West Asian Africa from the Ayyubid
dynasty, which lasted only 80 days. She was a slave and a woman of Frau Frau.
Mustashim Kun Aibak 12501257 AD was the first Mamalik sultan in the History
of the Mamalik Dynasty.
Historical information, the Mongol conquest of the city of Baghdad in 656 AH
in 1258 AD brought drastic changes to the Islamic world in general. This
conquest also meant the movement of urban cultural and scientific centers
from Baghdad to the cities of Cairo and Damascus. Several factors shaped the
range of Mamalik, particularly Cairo and Damascus. to become, among other
things, the center of information The main attention of the Mamalik rulers to
science of their time was characterized by the optimization of the role of
scientific researchers in the development of science. So far, information on
halakah halakah is so extensive, even research has received funding support
from the authorities. Also, the loss of Baghdad's supremacy throughout the
Muslim world politically, automatically makes Cairo and Damascus even more
important. The climax marks the departure of the priest From Baghdad to the
cities of Cairo and Damascus.
Since Mamalik is the center of science, it is inevitable that the cities of Cairo
and Damascus, as well as other Mamalik jurisdictions, will become the beacon
of world knowledge. In the field of astronomy, Egypt and Syria had a mature
astronomical tradition of their time. The tradition of research and observation
became an indispensable part of the astronomers of the time. More
specifically, Islamic astronomy at the time of Mamalik had its own style and
character that distinguished it from previous astronomy. Before the Mamalic
era, Ptolemaic astronomy, or Riyadh's astronomical-mathematical astronomy,
originated in the Almagest.
Astronomical instruments are scientific observation tools used by Muslim
astronomers to detect natural phenomena. The purpose of this tool is to
accurately calculate and determine the rotation of the earth, moon, sun and
planetary bodies. In addition, this tool is also used to accurately calculate
spherical triangles. Astronomical instruments were an integral part of the
establishment and operation of the Al Marshad Observatory. Mamalik
astronomers of his time managed to develop and expand the use of these
tools. In general, Islamic civilization in the Mamalik era was a civilization that
produced many astronomical instruments, some of which are still used today.
Some of these tools are a continuation and refinement of astronomical tools
developed in previous civilizations, especially Greek civilizations, such as B.
Astrolabe, Dhawat al-Halq, Arba Ad-Dairah, Al Kurrat Al-Ardhiyyah Wa As-
Samawiyyah and Sundial Saah Shamsiyyah and others.