Buildings and Facilities:
The main resources used by Mima:
Physical resources are the very things that a business needs to maintain in order to carry out
activities. Physical resources are resources such as the building, facilities, plant and
machinery. Managing physical resources would involve planned maintenance, refurbishment,
insurance and building security.
The building and resources are the very place in which Mima is located. Mima is located at
Centre Square, Middlesbrough. The area is used so that Mima is able to show off their gallery
and also to keep their café and shop in. Mima have facilities such as toilets, washing
facilities, drinking water areas and coffee machines. Materials in Mima are the food needed
for the café and the waste is the food that is wasted. The plant and machinery are the
machines Mima use. Mima use machines such as coffee machines. Mima does not have a
plant. Mima uses a wide range of equipment that includes IT such as the computers, printers
and the software used on the computers. Buildings require regular maintenance and
refurbishment. This means checking whether machines are working properly and making
adjustments to resources in order to make them look visually better or safer to use. If
maintenance is not carried out at Mima, machines could stop working in turn leading to less
people visiting the gallery. Refurbishment could also present Mima as eco-friendly if
something such as solar panels are installed. Because of the Health and Safety at Work Act
1974 which requires businesses to be prepared in case of emergencies occurring in the
building, Mima provides evacuation training to employees and instructions on what to do if
an emergency was to occur within the premises. Employers at Mima should make sure that
there is nothing hazardous towards their employees or visitors inside of the building. The
building in which Mima is situated in must have insurance on it in the case of something
happening to the building such as: damage to the building, theft, vandalism, leaking pipes,
damage incurred by vehicles, damage to equipment or natural causes such as an earthquake,
storm or a flood. The employers of Mima must also have to purchase employers’ liability
insurance which is when an employer has to pay an employee because of any damage they
have suffered from employment. Public liability insurance must also be purchased by
employers to cover any injuries caused to the public from injuries suffered because of the
business. The art gallery must be made secure and maintained even when employees have
left. Some businesses employ full time security staff to do this whereas Mima uses security
cameras to patrol the building.
Technological resources are things such as software, music or text. All technological
resources must be managed the same way as physical resources. There are four areas of
technological resources: intellectual property, accumulated experience and skills, software
licenses and protection via patents and copyright.
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