Supernatural Female Sexuality Past v Present Madness and Religion Reliance on Masculinity Fear of the other Setting Fear of foreigners
(threatening and Confinement Science and
safe) rationality
‘more like the hand ‘all three had ‘The impression I ‘the castle is a ‘As an English ‘I did not feel ‘So thin and pale ‘I am all in a sea of ‘Every known ‘Well I know that, did
of a dead man brilliant white had was that we veritable prison, Churchman, I have comfortable. and weak-looking. wonders. I doubt; I superstition in the I move and speak in
than a living man’ teeth that shone were leaving the and I am a been taught to However, there All the resolution fear; I think world gathered your London, none
(C2) like pearls against West and entering prisoner’ regard such things was business to be has gone out his strange things into the horseshoe there are who would
the ruby of their the East’ – JH (C1) as in some done’ (C1) dear eyes, and that which I dare not of the Carpathians’ not know me for a
voluptuous lips’ measure quiet dignity which confess to my own (C1) stranger’ (C2)
(C3) idolatrous’ (C1) I told you was in soul’ (C2)
his face has
vanished – M
finding J (C9)
‘peculiarly sharp ‘I felt in my heart a ‘the further East ‘there is a method ‘his hand touched ‘Knowledge is ‘Jonathan is ‘What manner of ‘the castle is on the ‘Here I am noble; I am
white teeth’ (C2) wicked, burning you go the more in his madness’ – the string of beads stronger than waking – I must man is this, or very edge of a boyar; the common
desire that they unpunctual the DS (C6) which held the memory, and we attend to my what manner of terrible precipice’ people know me, and
would kiss me with trains’ (C1) crucifix… the fury should not trust husband!’ (C9) creature is it in the (C2) I am master’ (C2)
those red lips’ (C3) passed so quickly’ the weaker’ – VH semblance of a
(C10) man?’ (C3)
‘there was no ‘all three laughed, ‘We see around us ‘Master. I am your ‘bless that good, ‘Do you not think ‘You are a man, ‘something dark ‘doors, doors, ‘the white aquiline
reflection of him in but as hard as every day the slave, and you will good woman who that there are and it is a man we stood behind her doors everywhere nose’
the mirror!’ (C2) though the sound growth of new reward me, for I hung the crucifix things which you want’ – to donate seat where the and all locked and
could never come beliefs, which think shall be faithful’ round my neck’ cannot blood to L (C10) white figure shone, bolted’ (C2)
through the themselves new, (C8) (C3) understand, and and bent over it’
softness of human and which are yet yet which are’ – VH (C8)
lips (C3) but the old’ – VH (C14)
‘does it mean that ‘one of the women ‘I want you to ‘He is immensely ‘Great God! ‘We have sources ‘No man knows, till ‘The waves rose in
he could control jumped… there believe… to believe strong, for he was Merciful God, let of science; we are he experiences it, growing fury… the
the wolves?’ (C3) was a gasp and a in things that you more like a wild me be calm’ (C3) free to act and what it is to feel his glassy sea was like
low wail, as of a cannot’ – VH (C14) beast than a man. I think’ – VH (C18) own lifeblood a roaring and
half smothered never saw a lunatic drawn away into devouring
child’ (C3) in such a the veins of the monster’
paroxysm’ – woman he loves’ –
Renfield (C8) DS (C10)
‘began to crawl ‘Mina is a woman, ‘The blood is the ‘Van Helsing ‘A brave man’s
down the castle… and there is life’ – R (C11) sprang forward blood is the best
just as a lizard nought in and held between thing on this Earth
moves along a common. They are them his little when a woman is
wall’ (C3) devils of the pit! golden crucifix. She in trouble’ (C12)
(C4) recoiled from it’
‘Why can’t they let ‘When I came to ‘She is God’s true ‘Arthur seemed
a girl marry three Renfield’s room, I dead, whose soul is under a spell’ (C16)
men, or as many as found him lying on with Him!’ (C16)
want her?’ – LW the floor on his left
(C5) side in a glittering