Dracula Reading Log
Chapter Summary Key Quotations Characters Relevant Theories Links to other Gothic
1 Harker writes diary entries of his “They were driven by a Harker A motif in the novel: as characters The Castle of Otranto
travels to Romania, and describes tall man, with a long Mina (through travel eastward across Europe,
the beauty and delicacies of the brown beard and a great mentions) events tend to become more - Primarily for their
West - such as the cuisine and the black hat, which seemed Dracula (briefly) complex, strange, surreal, and mutual symbolism
people - and the oddness of the to hide his face from us. I occult; as they travel westward, of a dark and
East - illustrating superstition and could only see the gleam events tend to become more easily gloomy castle.
threatening scenery. He writes to of a pair of very bright parsed, rational, and
Mina, his lover, and is invited to visit eyes, which seemed red comprehensible, all of which
Transylvania by Count Dracula, and in the lamplight.” corresponds with a general idea
upon hearing this, the staff of the popular at the time of Western
hotel are disturbed and worried. “You cannot deceive me, Europe as being more civilised and
Harker rides on a carriage to my friend; I know too rational than Eastern Europe.
Bukovina and eventually, the driver much, and my horses are
faces him with features of red lips swift.” The encounter of fruits along
and pale, pointed teeth. The driver Harker’s journey may link to the idea
says that Count Dracula ordered “...hard-looking mouth, of purity, or to the Biblical story of
him to take care of Harker, and as with very red lips and Adam and Eve, in which the fruits
he drives towards their destination sharp-looking teeth, as resemble knowledge as the
at high speeds, they run into a pack white as ivory.” characters face an epistemological
of wolves (dogs). They circle the journey.
carriage until the driver seems to “I saw around us a ring of
order them away quite easily and wolves, with white teeth Orientalism - the Western gaze into
soon enough, Harker is struck with and lolling red tongues, Eastern culture, exociticised.
nerves when he is faced with a with long, sinewy limbs
dark, tall castle. and shaggy hair. They
were a hundred times
more terrible in the grim
silence . . . then even
when they howled.”
,2 Harker is admitted into the castle by “In no place [in the castle] Dracula Dracula speaks English well but with “Man is not truly one, but
Dracula when he claims that his save from the windows in Peter Hawkins an accent, suggesting that he can truly two.” - The Strange
servants had all gone to sleep so the castle walls is there navigate both worlds, the Western Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr
there was no one to take care of an available exit. The and Eastern. It is notable that he Hyde.
him in his place. Dracula is quite castle is a veritable asks Harker to enter "of his own free
hospitable and proves to speak prison, and I am a will," since it is later revealed by Van The theme of dark and
quite a high-level of English - as prisoner!” Helsing that Dracula himself can only malicious desires - The
Harker seems to notice - and also enter a room or building if invited Picture of Dorian Grey.
notices that Dracula does not seem “I love the shade and the inside by the party he wishes to
to eat or drink, and does not sleep shadow.” attack. Dracula appears to apply this
until the crack of dawn. There are same rule to his intended prey.
also no mirrors in the house. “But still in none of the
Dracula restricts Harker from rooms is there a mirror.” Dracula shares many of the physical
entering any rooms with closed characteristics typically associated
doors, but warns him in a way that “The Count smiles, and with demonic or devil-figures in
suggests he may want him to do his lips ran back over his European myth and legend. Devils
otherwise. When Harker is shaving, gums, the long, sharp, tend to have long faces, pointing
Dracula appears behind him and canine teeth showed out chins and noses, dark or red eyes,
Harker notices that the Count does strangely” and pale complexions framed by a
not have a reflection, cutting himself shadowing darkness (perhaps dark
as a result. When Dracula notices hair, or dark clothing).
the blood seeping from Harker’s
jaw, he seems to turn animalistic Dracula's rank breath suggests that
and grab him by the throat, only to his insides are somehow corrupt,
notice the cross Harker wears and which they are, given that he is
sets him down, leaving him be. undead and drinks blood.
3 Harker realises and almost seems “Well, now I promise you Three Dracula is censoring Harker's The Three Sisters/witches -
to accept the fact that he is that when I am done with Sisters/Brides communications, so that Harker can Macbeth
Dracula’s prisoner, but he does not him you shall kiss him at of Dracula only say to the outside world what
want Dracula to know of his your will. Now go! go! I Dracula commands him to say. Thus Warning of
awareness. Harker seems to must awaken him, for Harker's ability to communicate with dreams/washing hands -
believe that there may be some there is work to be done.” Mina, for example, is severely Macbeth
truth to the peasant superstitions, curtailed by Dracula. This causes an
and that they may provide “Bless that good, good interesting wrinkle in the novel's
information to further understand woman who hung the overall thematization of
, Dracula. Dracula tells Harker to crucifix round my neck!” communication and
send a letter to Mr Hawkins, miscommunication - Harker cannot
informing him that he would stay for “The Count saw his describe events as they happen,
another month. Later, Harker places victory in my bow.” because Dracula is watching.
the crucifix over his bed and peers
out of the window, only to see “...should you leave these Dracula appears to have lured
Dracula climbing down the wall like rooms you will not have Harker into just the kind of
a lizard. The door at the top of the any chance to go to sleep investigation of the Castle that
staircase is unlocked and Harker in any other part of the Dracula warned Harker against.
enters it, entering a room he castle… there are bad Harker, like Pandora of Greek myth,
believed to be one fitted for a lady. dreams for those who cannot help himself—he must see
He documents that he fell asleep, sleep unwisely.” what is hidden in a place he is not
only to awaken to three women - permitted to go.
two resembling the Count. The “God preserve my
women argue over who gets to sanity… Great God! The notion of three evil sisters has
touch and kiss Harker first, merciful God!” deep literary references, and the
insinuating that they want to sleep allusion to Hamlet in this section is
with him or make love to him. “In the moonlight opposite no accident, as Shakespeare, in
Harker submits to his ecstasy, only me were three young another great tragedy (Macbeth).
for Dracula to see his predicament women, ladies by their
and tear the ladies off him, before dress and manner.”
approaching Harker as Harker falls
4 Harker awakens in his own bed, “At least God’s mercy is Slovaks Links to the theme of entrapment and Link to Jekyll and Hyde -
and surmises that Dracula himself better than that of these Gipsies confinement. Harker finds himself at symbolism of dreams.
has carried him back. A few days monsters” Wailing woman the mercy of God and desperately
later, Dracula asks Harker to write (mother and fears for his life. Macbeth - Lady Macduff
three letters, each one dated a few “Death now seemed to be child) Harker believes that the gipsies crying out for her children.
days apart, indicating that Harker is the happier choice of all might not be loyal to Dracula, but
returning to England. Harker evils.” might instead live ‘on their own’. This
theorises that Dracula intends to follows on a long history of legend, in
take his place, and to convince the “...with a smile that Judas Europe, related to gipsies, who were
local population that the atrocities in hell might be proud of.” considered lawless peoples, often
Dracula is committing are actually vagabonds, who travelled around the
Harker’s doing. Harker makes his “The door is always continent and tended to protect their