DCF - answer Department of Children and Families
DCF Responsibilities - answer Administration of child care licensing and training
Ensuring children are well cared for in a safe, healthy, positive, and educational environment by
trained, qualified child care staff
This agency determines state rules pertaining to child care and enforces these rules by licensing
and inspecting child care facilities.
Child Care Professionals Roles and Responsibilities - answer -must know, understand, and follow
the laws and the rules and regulations to protect the health and safety of children in care
-keep children safe
-provide good nutrition and a healthy environment
-create a quality environment for learning
Name the key agencies that partner with the Department to regulate child care. - answer Local
Fire Departments / Certified Fire Safety Inspectors
County Agencies
Local Licensing Agencies
,Child care laws, rules, and regulations are in place to protect - answer children, families, and
child care professionals
Office of Child Care Regulation and Background Screening - answer licensing authority, regulates
licensed child care facilities in most counties in Florida
Local County Government Agencies - answer Effect childcare through Zoning and Building,
Septic and Well, Etc...
City/Municipal Police Dept. - answer Effect childcare through back ground checks and
screenings of child care providers
Child Care - answer care, protection and supervision of a child for a period of less than 24 hours
on a regular basis, which supplements parental care, enrichment, and health supervision for the
child in accordance with his or her individual needs, and for which a payment, fee or grant is
made for care. (Defined in 402.302)
DCF's Office of Child Care Regulations mission: - answer To ensure the health, safety, and well
being of the children of the state while in care through licensing and regulatory activities
The licensing standards established by the Department address - answer Physical Environment
(health, sanitation, safety, and physical surroundings)
Children in Care (health, nutrition, and development)
Regulation - answer a law, rule, ordinance, or other order prescribed by authority to regulate
What is the intent of the Legislature? - answer To protect the health and welfare of children
To develop
a regulatory framework that promotes the growth and stability of the child care industry and
facilitates the safe physical, intellectual, motor, and social development of the child.
, Child Care Regulation Program - answer is responsible for regulating programs that provide
services that meet the statutory definition of "child care." This is accomplished
through the inspection of licensed child care programs to ensure the consistent statewide
application of child care standards established in statute and rule, and the registration of child
care providers not subject to inspection.
Minimum Age Requirements - answer A staff person at least 21 years of age must be in charge
of the program and must be on
the premises at all times during operating hours.
Mixed Age Groups - answer A. In groups of mixed age ranges, where children under one year of
age are
included, one staff member must be responsible for no more than four children
of any age group, at all times.
B. In groups of mixed age ranges, where children one year of age but under two
years of age are included, one staff member must be responsible for no more
than six children of any age group, at all times
In addition to the number of staff required to meet the staff-to-child ratio, - answer one
additional adult must attend field trips away from the child care facility to help
provide direct supervision. The individual could be a parent volunteer as long as that person is
under direct and constant supervision of a screened and trained staff member.
Nap time supervision - answer During nap time, staff must be within sight and hearing of all the
children. All other
staff required to meet the staff-to-child ratio must be within the building on the same floor and
available to be summoned if needed to ensure the safety of the children.
Nap time supervision does not apply to children up to 24 months of age, who must
have direct supervision at all times.