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WGU Pathophysiology D236 Exam
Remediation 2022-2023
,WGU Pathophysiology D236 Exam
Remediation 2022-2023
Pathophysiology Remediation
Lesson 1: Homeostasis Concepts
1. Starling's Law of Capillary forces is the force behind the movements of fluid in
capillary beds throughout the body. The two forces at work are hydrostatic and osmotic
pressures. Homeostasis is achieved when these two forces are equal in the capillary-
cell interfaces. When the hydrostatic pressure is high in the bloodstream, fluid is then
pushed into the cells and overflows into the interstitial fluid, causing edema. In a case
like hypoalbuminemia, there is a deficit of albumin protein in the blood. This lowers the
oncotic pressure at work against the hydrostatic pressure, causing a shift in fluid
change. Hydrostatic pressure pushes water into the cells, causing edema.
2. If hypotension occurs, the kidneys sense decreased perfusion and release renin.
Renin stimulates the liver to release angiotensinogen. This converts to angiotensin I in
the lungs. A specific enzyme, called ACE, converts it into angiotensin II in the lungs.
This angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction, which increases blood pressure.
Angiotensin II also stimulates the adrenal glands on the kidneys to release a hormone
called aldosterone. Aldosterone helps increase blood volume by increasing sodium and
water reabsorption into the body.
3. Too much potassium in the blood can cause wide QRS complexes and tall, peaked T
waves. This will cause bradycardia, irregular pulse rate, and cardiac arrest.
4. If pH homeostasis is not maintained, a shift in pH either to the left (acidosis), or to the
right (alkalosis) can occur. Excess H+ molecules can cause acidosis and excess HCO3-
molecules can cause alkalosis. Either one of these conditions can cause cellular
dysfunction and can be fatal.
5. In metabolic acidosis, the lab values would be a pH <3.5 and CO2 <22. Metabolic
alkalosis lab values have a pH >4.5 and CO2 >26. With respiratory imbalances, it's
opposite. With respiratory acidosis, pH is <3.5 and CO2 is >26. With respiratory
alkalosis, pH is >4.5 and CO2 is <22.
6. A high AG has a value from 16-20 mEq/L and can occur with DKA or lactic acidosis.
The high number of acids consume HCO3-, therefore decreasing their concentration
and increasing the anion gap. In diabetic ketoacidosis, the unmeasured acids in the
blood are called ketones. These ketones break apart into H+ and keto-anions.
Bicarbonate buffers with the H+ ions. With this, the bicarbonate decreases in the blood,
leaving the keto-anions numbers to increase. This causes the AG to increase. This is
important because it can help determine the cause of certain metabolic acidosis cases
since not all issues present with an elevated AG. Metabolic acidosis with an elevated
anion gap is found in lactic acidosis, DKA, renal failure, overdose of aspirin, and
, ingestion of methanol.
7. Glucose is important to keep at normal levels within the blood because if too high,
called hyperglycemia, it can cause chemical damage to the endothelial cells that line the