Matthew Lee
BTEC Level 3 National Foundation
Diploma in Sport
Unit 3
Assignment 1
Professional Development in the
Sports Industry
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,Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Explain the different career pathways, the associated job opportunities
and their requirements in the sports industry.
Explain the development pathway into a selected career in the sports
Explain how selected sports industry career matches own personal skills
audit outcomes.
Develop a career development action plan; to meet the requirements of
intended sports career using skills audit outcomes.
Analyse the professional development requirements and opportunities for
A.M1 specialism or promotion in different career pathways and the associated
job opportunities in the sports industry.
Analyse own personal skills audit outcomes against a selected career in
the sports industry.
Develop a career development action plan that has specific relevance to
the requirements of intended sports career and skills audit outcomes.
Justify how own skills audit outcomes, and development action plan,
AB.D1 aligns to chosen career pathway based on a comprehensive knowledge
and understanding of the career.
Unit 3 - Professional development in the sports industry
The sports industry is a branch of the economy which produces goods and services
related to things such as sport, fitness, and recreation. It is an important industry in the
United Kingdom because of the various benefit’s it has to community, well-being and
the economy. It makes up 1.9% of the entire GVA of England and brings in £20.3 billion
(Sport England 2013). This amount is broken up into the revenue obtained via
participation - £11.78 billion and commercial consumption £8.5 billion (Sport England
2013. The size of the industry leads to a range of job and career opportunities being
created. There are approximately 440,000 full-time jobs created by the sports industry in
England. Employment is crucial for a functioning society especially when it creates
wider societal benefits related to physical activity.
Evidence towards P1
The availability of jobs within the sports industry can be influenced by four key
factors. Those key factors are economic significance, seasonal factors,geographical
factors and socio-economic factors.
Economic significance is the amount of revenue a sport brings in. If a sport is more
popular, then it will get more revenue due to merchandising and viewership on
television and streaming services. A sport such as boxing, with a higher revenue and
fanbase will have a higher availability of jobs due to it having a higher demand, in
comparison to a sport with less revenue like archery.
Seasonal factors are whether the sport requires a certain weather or season. For
instance, cricket is a summer sport due to the dry conditions needed to play on a grass
pitch, whereas football can be played in any condition and doesn’t require a certain time
of year to play. A sport which doesn't require certain conditions to play, tends to be
more popular due to its year long participation. If a sport has a higher popularity and
more income, there will be a higher availability of jobs compared to a seasonal sport.
Geographical factors are whether the sport requires a certain landscape. For instance,
being a mountain climber wouldn’t be possible on flat lands, the same way being a
lifeguard wouldn't be possible in a landlocked area. Geographical factors will affect the
availability of jobs. There will be more jobs available in urban areas compared to rural
areas due to the increased facilities positioned next to areas of high population density.
Socio-Economic factors are to do with what class a certain sport is predominant in.
This is usually determined by how expensive equipment and participation is. An
example of this would be golf. Working class people would be unable to afford the
equipment and facilities. However, a sport such as football is accessible to anyone, no
matter what class they are in. A sport with higher participation will have more jobs
available, however sports which do not have many participants will have less job
availability and may be more accessible to people with a high socio-economic class.
Evidence towards P1
The major career pathways within the sports industry are the fields of coaching, sports
science, education, sports development, leisure management and sports journalism.