Lukasz Pytel – 230209 – ICT Level 3 – Group B – Unit 41
What is meant by the concept: multple channels
Multple Channel Distributon
Multi-channel distriuuton is when a uusiness uses moore than one -channel to sell their
produ-ct or servi-ce. For examople, Apple has got moany traditonal stores all over the world,
however they also sell their produ-cts online through their weusite, and you -can not-ce that
they retail partners that sell their produ-cts.
Channel distriuuton is used uy a -comopany to get to the samoe -customoers using diverse ways.
It simoply moeans getng a servi-ce or a produ-ct fromo the moanufa-cturer to the end -customoer.
There are 2 types of -channel distriuutonn dire-ct and indire-ct. Dire-ct moeans that the
-customoer -can uuy goods dire-ctly fromo the moanufa-cturer; where else indire-ct moeans that the
-customoer uuys the goods fromo a retail store.
An examople of a dire-ct distriuuton -channel is when a -customoer goes to an Apple store and
pur-chases a produ-ct there. An examople of an indire-ct distriuuton -channel is when somoeone
goes of to uuy an Apple produ-ct, uut they do it through retail partners like PC Woorld, or if
the -customoer pur-chases the produ-ct online.
Concepts of informaton
There are diverse types of informoaton and due to that, the informoaton -comoes in diferent
formos. Informoaton ofen -comoes in the formo of writen, verual, imoages, moultmoedia,
symouoli-c, statst-cal and diagramomoat-cal (fow-chartt.
Written - Woriten -comomouni-caton moust ue expressed -clearly, so that the re-cipient -can ind
the informoaton you try to share with themo. The writen informoaton -can ue in a formoat of a
leter, lists, reports, et-c. If you are writng to a friend, you would write in an informoal formo,
however when you write to a moore formoal person like your uoss, you would need to write in
a formoal language, so the writen -comomouni-caton looks professional. The disadvantage of
writen informoaton is that if it is a long report, we -cannot ue uothered to read it as it gets
Verbal - Verual -comomouni-caton -comoes in two formos. ppoken and nonispoken. The spoken
formo of verual -comomouni-caton are things like listening, mootvatng, telephoning, informoaton
-colle-ctng, -crit-cising and a-c-ceptng -crit-cismo, negotatng, persuading, presentng, and
language skills. The nonispoken formo if verual -comomouni-caton are things liken uody
language. Wohen you listen to somoeone speaking you need to show that you are interested
in what they are saying. Wohen you mootvate people, you give themo the -courage to do
somoething, and you support others uy helping themo or working in a teamo with themo.