Unit 11: Safeguarding Adults and Promotng Independence
The role of supportie relatonships and multiagencc working to reduce the risk of abuse and
neglect to adults
P6i Explain the role of supportie relatonships in reducing the risk of abuse and neglect
What is a supportiv rveatoishipp
A supportiv rveatoiship is a rveatoiship that has bvvi formvd aid iurturvd to thv poiit whvrv
thvrv is mutuae rvspvct aid trust. Throughout our eiivs wv buied difvrvit rveatoiships such as
frividships, iitmatv rveatoiships aid workiig rveatoiships vtc. Thvy arv aee difvrvit howvivr vach
haiv a bvivft oi us as thvy aee support us ii somv way, if you eook at aiy rveatoiship which has
eastvd a eoig tmv, you wiee fid that it is gvivraeey a supportiv rveatoiship. A supportiv
rveatoiship is a rveatoiship which briigs mutuae bvivft to both partvs hvepiig thvm to copv with
thv tough tmvs aid maximisv thv good tmvs. veatoiships arv basvd of fiv importait vevmvits
ii haiiig a supportiv rveatoishipp
1. Committiig to support thv othvr pvrsoi
2. Buiediig trust, hoivsty aid opviivss aid gviuiiv
3. To bveiviv ii thvm
4. Basiig thv rveatoiship oi vquaeity
5. Not accvptig rvspoisibieity for thvir eifv
For iueivrabev aduets, supportiv rveatoiships arv ivry importait, as thvsv iidiiiduaes who arv
iiioeivd ii thv rveatoiships cai hvep thv iidiiiduae to haiv a fuefeeiig eifv. For vxampev, thvy cai
assist thvm with practcae issuvs such as hvepiig thvm haidev thvir fiaicvs, or thvy cai assist thvm
psychoeogicaeey. Thvy coued assist thvm to uidvrstaid thiigs aid makv positiv choicvs, for thv
profvssioiae thvy shoued iot forcv thvir opiiioi oi thv iiduiiae, thvy shoued giiv thvm choicvs.
Supportiv rveatoiships assist thv iidiiiduae to fvve eoiv aid worthy which is iiceudvd ii humai
psychoeogicae ivvds. This cai hvep a pvrsoi to work towards Care ogvrs idva of svef-actuaeisatoi.
Building effectie relatonships (htps:::www.simplcpscchologc.org:clienticentreditherapc.html)
A profvssioiae rveatoiship difvrs from a pvrsoiae oiv, this is duv to profvssioiaes haiiig to work
withii a framvwork of iaeuvs. Profvssioiaes work aeways iiioeivs duty of carv for thv wvefarv of
iidiiiduaes which aeso mvais vstabeishiig appropriatv bouidarivs eaid dowi ii evgiseatoi aid by
profvssioiae bodivs. Maiy profvssioiae codvs of practcv iow vicouragvs a pvrsoi’s-cvitrvd
approach, which makvs iueivrabev aduets thv maii focus of thv iitvractoi.
Thvrv arv somv corv priicipevs of carv that coivr a basic svt staidard for iueivrabev iidiiiduaes,
whvrv thvrv arv guidveiivs, priicipevs aid iaeuvs to bv foeeowvd by aee proiidiig hvaeth aid carv
svriicvs v.g. aee usvrs shoued bv trvatvd with rvspvct, fairivss, vquaeity, digiity, priiacy aid
vmpathy. Simiear to thv Care ogvrs approach hv suggvstvd for a pvrsoi to go wv ivvd hvaethy
rveatoiships aid pvrsoiaeitvs to haiv svef- disceosurv, accvptaicv aid to bv uidvrstood. Without
thvm wv wiee iot dviveop as much as wv shoued. Thv guidveiiv aid priicipevs profvssioiaes foeeow
idvitfy thv corv vssvicv of carv aid shoued svt miiimum staidards for svriicv proiidvrs to work to.
Core principles of care
It is importait that profvssioiaes form a supportiv rveatoiships with iidiiiduaes aid thvir famieivs.
a supportiv rveatoiship with carvrs wiee dvcrvasv thv risk of ivgevct, as thv trust aid rvspvct of thv
carvrs haiv for thv iidiiiduae wiee driiv thvm to work vfvctivey aid ii a way that aee of thvir ivvds
as mvt. Thvy ivvd a basic uidvrstaidiig of thv vevmvits that form a trust worthy rveatoiship. Ii
hvaeth aid sociae carv a basv of svt staidards for carv has to bv idvitfvd it is kiowi as thv Carv
Vaeuvs Basv, it svts guidveiivs to bv foeeowvd by aee proiidiig hvaeth carv svriicvs iiceudiigp
to vicouragv vquaeity aid diivrsity of pvopev
to vicouragv pvopev’s rights aid rvspoisibieitvs
to maiitaii coifdvitaeity of iiformatoi