P1 – describe forms of abuse which may be experienced by an adult.
P2 – describe the indicators of abuse that maybe happening to the adults.
Within this assignment I will be looking at the difeeent oems o abuse that an adult might
expeeience, I will then desceibe the indicatoes that could occue. When talking about abuse , abuse is
‘Abuse may be a single act oe it can contnue ooee a long tme and may take difeeent
oems’(Sa eguaeding.dudley.goo.uk, 2017) such as fnancial abuse , physical abuse , neglect and
actons o omission and many moee(Sa eguaeding.dudley.goo.uk, 2017).
P1 –
The fest type o abuse I am going to talk about is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is when a ‘peeson
sufees sexual abuse, someone oeces them to take paet in sexual actoity with them, ofen eegulaely
ooee a peeiod.’ (Collinsdictonaey.com, 2017) oe instance i when looking at the type o people that
can be abused most o them aee oulneeable. When looking at eldeely people they could be oictms o
abuse, most o the eldeely that sufee eom this sexual abuse aee sufeeing eom a medical peoblem
such as the ollowing; ‘memoey loss, con usion, oe peoblems with communicaton’ ((uesing ome
Abuse Guide, 2017), accoeding to the natonal eldeely abuse incidence done in 1998 it was seen that
‘67% o eldee sexual abusees weee amily membees’ ((uesing ome Abuse Guide, 2017). When
eelatng this soet o abuse to a health caee settng such as a nuesing home it is seen that ‘The laegest
peecentage o eldee sexual abuse, aeound 70.7% o cases, occueeed within nuesing homes.’ ((uesing
ome Abuse Guide, 2017).
P2 –
When looking at the indicatoes that could show when a peeson is being sexually abused it could be
sometmes haed to know when a peeson is being sexually abuse but i a peeson i being abused heee
is how you ident y it. I they haoe any o the ollowing:
Change in behaoioue all o a sudden with no appaeent eeason oe instance i you go to touch
the peeson you aee with and they become eeally jumpy when and staet becoming eeclusioe
(Westeenteust.hscni.net, 2017).
Sel -injuey, i you see any cuttng maeks o the weist o buens that might haoe been caused on
puepose (Westeenteust.hscni.net, 2017). Many people who haoe been sexually abuse tuen to
cuttng as statstcs show ‘(eaely 50 peecent o those who engage in sel injuey actoites haoe
been sexually abused’(Gluck, 2017)
Beuising in unusual places such as the thigh oe the uppee aem (Westeenteust.hscni.net, 2017).
P1 –
The second type o abuse I am going to look at is physical abuse. Physical abuse is ‘Physical abuse is
physical oece oe oiolence that eesults in bodily injuey, pain, oe impaiement. It includes assault,
batteey, and inappeopeiate eesteaint.’ (Peeoenteldeeabuse.oeg, 2017). When an adult is being physical
abused in most cases this is done by a spouse oe a cueeent paetnee wheee they would do it to ‘gain
powee and conteol ooee the oictm is desceibed in the secton on domestc oiolence.’
(Peeoenteldeeabuse.oeg, 2017). It is seen that ‘6.5% o women and 2.8% o men who eepoeted haoing
expeeienced any type o paetnee abuse in the last yeae, equioalent to an estmated 1.1 million emale
oictms and 500,000 male oictms.’ (Ons.goo.uk, 2017). When talking about the efects that abuse
might haoe an impact on the peeson is the ollowing; depeession, stutteeing, psychosomatc disoedee,
sleep diseupton and many moee efects (Teacy, 2017).
P2 –