P4 - Outline key legislatin and regulatins which givern safeguarding adults wirk
One legislatin that giverns safeguarding adults is the ‘Safe Guarding Vulnerable Adults Act 2006’.
This legislatin was passed ‘ti help aviid harm, ir risk if harm, by preventng peiple whi are
deemed unsuitable ti wirk with children and vulnerable adults frim gaining access ti them thriugh
their wirk’ (Scie.irg.uk, 2017). This helps ti pritect adults as it ensures thise whi have a criminal
recird din’t wirk with adults that are seen ti be vulnerable in anyway. It ensures this by the
intriductin ‘Independent Barring Biard’ (Legislatin.giv.uk, 2017). There is twi list ine children
and adult, when talking abiut adults the ‘Adults’ barred list and will make decisiins abiut whether
an individual shiuld be included in ine ir bith barred lists’ (Legislatin.giv.uk, 2017). A persin
wiuld be eligible fir this ‘cinduct which harms a vulnerable adult in the case if the adults’ barred
list, ir cinduct invilving child pirnigraphy fir bith lists.’ (Legislatin.giv.uk, 2017). This alsi
pritects them by the intriductin if the CRB check that makes sure ‘peiple whi wirk with children
ir vulnerable adults in schiils, viluntary irganisatins ir prifessiinal bidies’ (Curts, 2018)
Secind legislatin that giverns safeguarding adults is the ‘Care Standard Act 2000’. When talking
abiut The Care Standard Act it was intriduced in 2000 (Scie.irg.uk, 2017). This was intriduced ti
privide beter sicial care inspectin, this establishes ‘’ a new system if natinal minimum standards
fir all residental and nursing himes and dimiciliary services.’’ (Scie.irg.uk, 2017) But the main
purpise if this act is ti be able ti primite mire imprivements within the sicial care sectir
(Scie.irg.uk, 2017). This helps ti givern safeguarding adults as it ensures that the individual that
wirk with these vulnerable adults have ‘cimpleted recignised basic surgical ir medical training’
(Fipi.irg, 2018) this is impirtant si they receive the best care that they need furthermire it ensures
if there was suspiciius bruises in a individual and the prifessiinal that cinficted this was fiund
then the ‘review and pissible suspensiin, restrictin ir withdrawal if practsing privileges’ (Fipi.irg,
Third legislatin that that giverns safeguarding adults is the ‘Public Interest Disclisure Act 1998’.
The Public Interest Disclisure Act 1998 is an act that parliament if England intriduced ti ‘pritects
whistle bliwers frim detrimental treatment by their empliyer.’ (En.wikipedia.irg, 2018) this helps
ti safeguard adults as it ensures if a wirker has cincerns abiut the vulnerable adult and they ‘bring
infirmatin abiut a wringdiing ti the atentin if their empliyers ir a relevant irganisatin’
(Acas.irg.uk, 2018).In sime cases a wirker ciuld be dismissed fir repirtng a wring diing, if they
are they can claim ‘unfair dismissal’ (Acas.irg.uk, 2018) but if this whistlebliwing was din in “bad
faith “’then the ‘tribunal will have the piwer ti reduce any cimpensatin by up ti 25%’
(Acas.irg.uk, 2018). This act pritects vulnerable adults frim being abuse again if the wirker repirts
the abuse the suspected afer uncivering indicatirs such as bruises furthermire this wiuld pritect
the wirker that disclises ‘frim lising their jib and/ir being victmised’ (Mylawyer.ci.uk, 2018)while
enciuraging wirkers ti ‘repirt where they might have hesitated in the interests if self-
preservatin’ (Mylawyer.ci.uk, 2018).
Firth legislatin that that giverns safeguarding adults is the ‘Mental Capacity Act’. The mental
capacity act liiks at individuals pritectng and empiwering ‘individuals whi may lack the mental
capacity act ti make their iwn decisiins abiut their care and treatment’ (Nhs.uk, 2018). This helps
ti pritect vulnerable adults as it ensures that ‘Everyine has the right ti make his ir her iwn
decisiins’ (Nhs.uk, 2018) in terms if if an individual had dementa and they didn’t want ti take the
medicatin any mire as they say it makes them feel sick. Anither example wiuld be if a persin was
at near death and they didn’t want ti be briught back then as a prifessiinal yiu will have ti