I have visited some contrasting businesses to find out what businesses equipment they have
and how does its support the business.
Firstly, I went to Dental Practice in Wembley and ask them if I can put some questions about
the office. The lady that was in there told that the office is a hot desk because 5 employees
is using it and these are the dentists or assistance. They’re using the office to mind the
phones, for patients, payments, or record cards.
Additionally, she mentions to me what equipment are in the office, for example:
Card machine
However, she explained to me how these equipment supports the business. For example,
she said that the computer support the business by storage the documents about the
patients to be easier to find them when the patients come in. Also, they’re using the
computer when they need to send important emails (e.g. email to other dentists about a
patient that want to put braces), or to make the leaflets that they want to put on waiting
room. Furthermore, they use the computer to manage to know when their appointments
are so there is not going to be any mistakes about the patients that needs to come; the
dentist will know when he needs to come at work so the patients will be satisfied.
Additionally, she mentions to me that they have cameras inside and outside of building, so
every video that is made they can check on the computer and they’re instantly saved in the
computer. Lastly, when they need to send to their patients a letter about they’re treatment
they are using the computer – Word Processing and write the information that they need to
send to the patients.
Furthermore, she said that they’re using photocopier when they need to make copy of
important documents like passports or documents that shows where does the patients live.
Also, they always have some documents where always the patients need to sign it after the
appointment so they need to make copies of these documents to keep them the same
always. For more, in waiting room they have papers with pictures for 2 kids so when they
don’t have the same book for the others 2 children that are in the waiting room and want
the same thing, they make a copy of it.
However, the scanner help them to send to GP the information about the patient. For
example, if the patient will make a type of injection that he’s not allowed then they will
make a letter when states that he wants to take responsibility for that and are taking the
injection even if they’re not allowed (but this is not happening always). They scan the
document that has the signature and send it by email to the GP. The same thing happens
when their patient need to put braces, so they need to send a letter to other dentist that is
specialised on this; they need to sign the paper before sending so is a prove that they were
the ones that send it and no one else.