Ahmed Dospatliev, assignment 1
In this assignment I am going to write about the human resource management and
human resource planning for Tesco. What internal and external factors Tesco’s HR
manager have to consider when planning for the human resource requirements. I am
also going to write about what skills Tesco’s employees need to have. I am going to
include information on skill sets required, skills acquisition and skills audits. The end
of this assignment I am going to write about why human resource planning is
important for Tesco.
Internal and external factors relevant to Tesco, which need to be considered
when planning for the human resource requirements?
Tesco is the biggest food retailer in UK, Tesco is also the biggest private sector
employer in UK with more than 360 000 employees worldwide. Tesco operates in 12
countries outside UK and 3 continents which makes the business global.
International expansion is one of the main aims of Tesco. On average Tesco open
100 new stores every year which is new store every 3.5 days. Tesco have 7000
stores in 2018 and almost 500,000 employees. When we divide 500,000 employees
on 7000 stores and that on average are 71 employees per store. Which means
Tesco needs to recruit 71 new people every 3.5 days. In those 71 people whom
Tesco have to recruit every 3.5 days are included managers, accountants,
administrators, cashiers, warehouse workers and other. And here it comes the first
external factor that has to be considered.
Supply of labour: For each new store Tesco needs supervisors, stock handlers and
check out staff, also specialist such as bakers and pharmacists. In distribution Tesco
needs people with distribution and good management and organising skills. With
expanding the business Tesco needs to recruit many new employees with specific
skills and knowledge for the following rules human resources, legal services,
property management, marketing, accounting and information technology. As I said
Tesco operate in many countries some of them the unemployment rate is high and is
easier for Tesco to recruit new people but in some countries the unemployment rate
is low and is really difficult for Tesco to find the right people needed. That is why
supply of labour is so important in HR planning for Tesco. To find the right people
Tesco offer high salaries or provide qualification courses for people who do not have
the knowledge, but have the motivation and some of the skills needed.
Employees expectations: Tesco operates in many countries with many different
laws, minimum wages and tax rates, as those things are different in each country the
employees expectations are different too. Tesco mainly operate in developed
countries such as USA and EU’s countries also China, Japan and Turkey. And in
every country employees come with different expectations from its employee. All