Dissertation Project
Topic: The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behaviour: A
Case Study of Tesco
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Chapter One: Introduction...............................................................................................................3
1.1 Research Background............................................................................................................3
1.2 Research Problem..................................................................................................................4
1.3 Research Rationale.................................................................................................................5
1.4 Research Justification............................................................................................................5
1.5 Research Aim.........................................................................................................................6
1.6 Research Objectives...............................................................................................................6
1.7 Research Questions................................................................................................................6
1.8 Research Structure.................................................................................................................6
1.9 Contributions to Knowledge..................................................................................................7
1.10 Brief Research Method........................................................................................................8
1.11 Summary of the Introduction...............................................................................................8
Chapter Two: Literature Review...................................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................10
2.2 Digital Marketing Strategies of Tesco.................................................................................10
2.3 Impacts of Digital Marketing Strategies on the Organisational Customer Behaviour........12
2.4 Advantages of Digital Marketing.........................................................................................13
2.5 Literature Gap......................................................................................................................14
2.6 Literature Summary.............................................................................................................15
, Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Research Background
In the landscape of modern business, digital marketing is referred to as a significant tool which
has transformed the way global organisations will reshape behaviour of the customers, interact
with the organisational customers, and influence positive impacts on the organisational business.
In today's digital age, diverse online platforms like email marketing, social media, and e-
commerce are putting a notable contribution so that customers can be informed, connected, and
influenced (Okorie, 2024). Tesco is referred to as a global and leading retailing organisation of
the UK. The tool of digital marketing is offering a significant opportunity to the organisation
Tesco that the retailing organisation can effectively engage with the customers, personalise
shopping experiences of the customers, and enhance organisational brand loyalty. SEO, targeted
advertising, and data analytics are the significant components of digital marketing which will
enable the organisation Tesco in regulating preferences of the customers and adjusting strategies
of marketing accordingly to the preferences of the customers. Therefore, the organisation Tesco
will get the chance to meeting preferences and needs of the customers and will be able to ensure
positive impact on the organisational sales and business of Tesco.
The study is seeking to examine the way digital marketing impacted customer behaviour of the
retailing organisation Tesco. The study will explore the way personalised promotion, online
engagement, and data-driven decisions influences decisions of the customers and shaped the
purchasing habits of customers (Tarabasz, 2024). In the organisational context, it is significant to
ensure a comprehensive understanding on the relationship between digital marketing strategies
and customer behaviour so that positive reflection can be ensured on the sales and business of the
organisation. The broader implications will be explored by the research for customer retention
and satisfaction in the competitive market. In below, the graph is exploring the way digital
marketing is ensuring significant impacts on the business sector.
, Figure 1: Impacts of Digital Marketing
Source: (Boozary, 2024)
1.2 Research Problem
The research problem will address diverse challenges which are encountered during the time of
understanding the way customer behaviour is influenced by the tool of digital marketing,
specially in the case of the retailing organisation Tesco (Singh, 2024). In the landscape of digital
business era, the tool of digital marketing is being considered as a significant and critical
component of business. The putted a notable contribution so that decision-making process of the
customers and purchasing patterns of the customers can be impacted. Additionally, due to the
influence of the tool the customers of the organisation are remain loyal to the brand. Tesco is the
leading and one of the largest retailing brands of the UK and the organisation ensured significant
investment in the strategies of digital marketing like social media engagement, email campaigns,
personalised promotion, and data-driven marketing. However, there is a gap which is to ensure a
comprehensive understanding of the way efforts of digital marketing translate into behaviour and
actions of the customers (Al Kurdi, 2024). The study is seeking to uncover the way behaviour
and actions of the customers are reshaped and influenced by the tools of digital marketing. In the
organisational context, it is significant for the organisation Tesco to ensure a comprehensive
understanding on these dynamics so that optimisation can be ensured in the efforts of digital
marketing and competitive advantage can be fostered.
, 1.3 Research Rationale
The rationale of the study is to ensure a comprehensive understanding on the way customer
behaviour of the organisation Tesco is reshaped and influenced by the tools of digital marketing.
In the organisational context, to foster success the retailing organisation Tesco is required to
ensure effective customer engagement and data-driven decision-making (Tariq, 2024). The study
will examine the way digital marketing tools ensure effective customer engagement and data-
driven decision-making of the organisation Tesco. It is significant to ensure an effective
understanding on the way customer behaviour of the organisation Tesco is impacted by digital
marketing tools so that organisational marketing strategies can be refined, customer experience
can be enhanced, and effective market position of the organisation can be maintained.
Globally, the tools of digital marketing are adopted by diverse business organisation. However,
limited research is carried out on the way customer behaviour is impacted by digital marketing.
Online advertisements, social media campaigns, and personalised promotions are the tools of
digital marketing which will be explored and examined by the study (Alkadrie, 2024).
Furthermore, the study will provide valuable insights about the way decisions of customers are
reshaped by these tools and purchasing decisions of the customers are impacted by these tools of
digital marketing. The findings of the study will put a notable contribution so that digital
marketing efforts of diverse business organisations can be optimised, customer engagement can
be improved, and growth can be driven in the organisational sales.
1.4 Research Justification
The justification for the research study lies of the growing demand of the tools of digital
marketing for the business success. In the retail sector, rapid digitalisation is being ensured to
foster business success and growth. In the organisational context, to foster competitive edge,
optimise business sales, and enhance customer number the significant task is to ensure a holistic
understanding on the impacts of digital marketing on the customer behaviour. Tesco is referred
to as a key player in the retailing market and the organisation ensured significant investment on
customer engagement and on reshaping behaviour of the customers (Aziz, 2024). The study is
justified as the study will explore the way brand loyalty, purchasing habit, and customer
decision-making are influenced by the tools of digital marketing. Practical insights will be