CCEA • Business studies
Latest uploads for Business studies at CCEA. Looking for Business studies notes at CCEA? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Business studies at CCEA.
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Modules Business studies at CCEA
Notes available for the following courses of Business studies at CCEA
Latest notes & summaries CCEA • Business studies
A look at PESTLE, Ansoff and SWOT analysis, along with diagrams and advantages and disavantages.
A summary of supply and demand curves, the conditions of supply and demand.
Summary of excess demand and excess supply and its affects on the demand and supply curves.
Price Determination.
A look at e-commerce from the business and customer's perspective.
Demand and supply including demand and supply curves, with an in-depth explanation of the diagrams.
Price Dis-Equilibrium and Price Determination is included.
Conditions of Supply and Demand included.
Price Elasticity of Demand with formulas is included.
Advantages and disadvantages of using price elasticity of demand is included.

A look at what is a market, with advantages and disadvantages of a niche and mass market.
A look at production, what investment will do for a business and economies of scale.
A summary of the advantages and disadvantages associated with job and batch production.
A look at the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal and vertical integration along with conglomerate integration.
A summary of competition and the role of the competition commission.
A look at what is added value, competitive advantages and what is a good.