OCR • Biology A
Latest uploads for Biology A at OCR. Looking for Biology A notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Biology A at OCR.
Modules Biology A at OCR
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Latest notes & summaries OCR • Biology A
A revision summary of OCR A level Biology Exchange Surfaces 3.1 
Made by a student who achieved A* in A level Biology. 
Covers all the points within the OCR Biology Specification. 
Condenses 3 OCR specification books and class notes.
OCR A A level biology notes for chapter 13 neuronal communication. These detailed notes include everything you need to know about this chapter for the exam and helped me achieve an A grade at A level. (includes diagrams!!)
OCR Biology A (A-level) 5.1 Communication and homeostasis including: homeostasis (examples of positive and negative feedback), thermoregulation ectotherms/endotherms and adaptations, cell signalling (neuronal and hormonal signalling). Excretion as homeostatic control: kidney failure via haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, liver structure and adaptations of sinusoids, ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption pathways. Deamination pathway - ornithine cycle, loop of henle.
OCR Biology A (A-level) 5.1.5 Plant and animal responses covering summaries of plant responses such as: Apical dominance pathway and effects, Plant growth responses -> plant growth regulator hormones, Different types of tropisms and Leaf abscission. Animal responses covering: Mammalian muscle and contraction pathway, human brain anatomy and roles, nervous and endocrine systems in coordination, types of heart rate, sources of ATP and Muscle composition. Including also action potential within s...
OCR Biology A (A-level) Covering topics such as: Anaerobic respiration and the use of respirometer, Oxidative phosphorylation pathway, Respiration within link reaction, Krebs cycle and glycolysis pathways, Factors affecting photosynthesis (limiting factors), photosynthesis pathways -> light dependant and light independent reaction included.
OCR Biology A (A-level). Chapter 6.2 Cloning and Biotechnology which covers topics: The use of microorganisms - biotechnological processes and types of culture, Biotechnology - industrial use of living organisms, Natural cloning - vegetative propagation and animal cloning, Artificial cloning - advantages/disadvantages as well as examples. Enzyme immobilisation summary included.
OCR A Biology 
A Level notes 
Module 4 - Enzymes
Module 3 notes - biological molecules 
OCR A biology A Level
OCR A biology notes 
module 2 - Foundations in biology 
A/ AS level notes
3 Page summary on Homeostasis for OCR A level Biology, Module 5.1.1