OCR • Biology A
Latest uploads for Biology A at OCR. Looking for Biology A notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Biology A at OCR.
Modules Biology A at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of Biology A at OCR
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Latest notes & summaries OCR • Biology A
Revision notes for the differences in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells of A level biology
Revision notes for the magnification topic of A level biology
Revision notes for the microscopy topic of A level biology
OCR A A level biology notes: non-specific & specific defences against pathogens 
Year 1 and AS: Module 12 - communciable diseases (12.5-12.6) 
concise and simple summary notes on defences against communicable diseases
quick summary on details of enzymes including structure and function following the OCR A specification
Alevel OCR Biology A notes on Transport in Plants from an A* biology student. Plus diagrams.
Alevel OCR Biology A notes on Hormonal Communication from an A* biology student.
Alevel OCR Biology A notes on Cell Division from an A* biology student.
Alevel OCR Biology A notes on Patterns of Inheritance from an A* biology student. Plus diagrams.
Alevel OCR Biology A notes on Cellular Control from an A* biology student. Plus diagrams.