OCR • Classics: Classical Civilisation
Latest uploads for Classics: Classical Civilisation at OCR. Looking for Classics: Classical Civilisation notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Classics: Classical Civilisation at OCR.
Modules Classics: Classical Civilisation at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of Classics: Classical Civilisation at OCR
- A2 Unit AH3 F393 - Greek History: conflict and culture
- A2 Unit AH4 F394 - Roman History: the use and abuse of power
- A2 Unit CC7 F387 - Roman Britain: life in the outpost of the Empire
- A2 Unit CC8 F388 - Art and Architecture in the Greek World
- A2 Unit CC9 F389 - Comic Drama in the Ancient World
- A2 Unit CC10 F390 - Virgil and the world of the hero
- A2 Unit G3 F373 - Classical Greek Verse
- A2 Unit G4 F374 - Classical Greek Prose
- A2 Unit L3 F363 - Latin Verse
- A2 Unit L4 F364 - Latin Prose
- AS Unit AH1 F391- Greek History from original sources
- AS Unit AH2 F392 - Roman History from original sources
- AS Unit CC1 F381 - Archaeology: Mycenae and the classical world
- AS Unit CC2 F382 - Homer\'s Odyssey and Society
- AS Unit CC3 F383 - Roman Society and Thought
- AS Unit CC4 F384 - Greek Tragedy in its context
- AS Unit CC5 F385 - Greek Historians
- AS Unit CC6 F386 - City Life in Roman Italy
- AS Unit G1 F371 - Classical Greek Language
- AS Unit G2 F372 - Classical Greek Verse and Prose Literature
- AS Unit L1 F361 - Latin Language
- AS Unit L2 F362 - Latin Verse and Prose Literature
Popular books OCR • Classics: Classical Civilisation
Walter Burkert • ISBN 9780631156246
Virgil • ISBN 9780140449327
Virgil, Robert Fagles • ISBN 9780141996332
Homer, Homer • ISBN 9780140447941
Sally Knights • ISBN 9781350015081
Robert Hancock-Jones, James Renshaw • ISBN 9781350015111
Latest notes & summaries OCR • Classics: Classical Civilisation
Justice in the Odyssey
Gods in the Odyssey
A* Notes - includes direct quotes and explanations for essay writing on disguises as a theme in the Odyssey
Includes quotes, examples and a summary 
A* notes for essay writing about disguise in the Odyssey
Classical Civilisation, detailed analysis of "Nostos" in the Odyssey - A* grade achieved!
Includes 6X packages - Women, Xenia, Immortals, Justice, Disguises, Nostos 
In depth notes - achieved an A* with these notes!
OCR Classical Civilisation for module 'Love and Relations'. 
Includes a revision sheet based on secondary scholarly sources that look into Ovid's Ars Amatoria. Very useful in distinguishing different classical interpretations of the Ars, and gives quotes and ideas to use as secondary sources in A level essays for A* grade.
Book summaries for all the books of the Iliad, and all key quotations from all the set books for the exam (1,3,4,6,9,10,16,17,18,19,20,22,24).
Aristophanes' Frogs Summary, Quotes, and Modern/Secondary Scholarship
Bacchae Summaries, Quotes and Modern/Secondary Scholarship which are organised by theme and character