Pearson Edexcel • History
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Latest notes & summaries Pearson Edexcel • History
A level History Coursework for Edexcel exam board done in the year 2023 and marked and graded an A* (38/40 marks) by the exam board. 
The question this coursework is focused on is "Historians have disagreed about the causes of the Cold War. What is your view about the causes of the Cold War?". This is a 4000 word essay that is fully referenced and proofread with added appendices. 
The point argued in this essay is that the Cold War was the fault of America due to their economic advantage,...
A level History Edexcel Coursework which scored 38/40, it details differing views regarding what generated the Cold War, evaluating 3 different historians who have 3 different schools of thought, and it reaches a substantiated opinion answering a question that I chose. This has detailed references and footnotes which can support you in writing your coursework. Please do not copy, it will likely be picked up your teacher or the exam board.
how significant want nationalism in contributing to the dissolution of the Soviet Union
Mindmaps from the time period of 1625 - 1688 with key dates and figures along with summaries of the Republican rule. Also a key look on the political, religious and financial aspect of each rule that will be extremely useful in an exam
Essay Plans for Unit 2 of Edexcel A level History; Mao's China 1949-67| 
Contains Essay Plans for these questions:| 
Theme 1: 
‘The role of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was the key factor in establishing communist rule in China in the years 1949-57’. How far do you agree with this view?| 
‘The popularity of Mao’s land reform policies in the years 1949–57 was mainly responsible for the successful establishment of communist rule in China.’ How far do you agree with this...
Essay answering "Assess the value of the source for revealing beliefs in the power of witches and the organisation of witch-hunts in the early 17th century Lancashire."
An essay I wrote for the question o f"How accurate is it to say that it was the impact of the 
Thirty Years’ War that accounts for the extent of witch-hunting in Bamberg in the years 1623-32?."
This document scored 16/20 in the essay question listed above
This document looks at the nature of autocratic rule in simple but effective depth. It looks at the different elements of autocratic rule and the factors within it such as the tsarist principles of autocracy, nationality and orthodoxy, the oppression of nationalities and many more! This document is great for upcoming exams as it gives you the main information you need.
A Level History Edexcel Holocaust Coursework. Grade A Star, 38/40, the coursework unit counts for 20% of your final history a level grade. 
Title - To What Extent was Hitler solely responsible for the Holocaust? 
A Star officially marked