Pearson BTEC • Business
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Modules Business at Pearson BTEC
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Popular books Pearson BTEC • Business
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Latest notes & summaries Pearson BTEC • Business
Describes reasons for mergers and takeovers, what they are, the advantages and disadvantages of vertical and horizontal integration, financial risks and rewards of integration, hostile and friendly integration, and problems of rapid growth.
Explains quantitative sales forecasting and why a business would construct a sales forecast. Also explains moving averages, variations from trends, forecasting using extrapolation, scatter graphs and limits of sales forecasting
Explains the three types of investment appraisal - payback, average rate of return (ARR) and net present value (NPV) - including how to calculate them and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Also includes qualitative factors to consider when making investment decisions.
Describes what a decision tree is, uses an example to show how to interpret one, and explains the advantages and disadvantages of decision trees.
Describes what a critical path analysis is, what a manager needs to know to use the technique, features of a critical path, key points of a critical path, and the advantages and disadvantages of it.
Describes corporate influences (corporate objectives, stakeholder perspectives, business ethics), corporate timescale, evidence based and subjective decision making, strong and weak corporate cultures, and Handy's corporate cultures (power, role, task, person)
Describes the difference between the stakeholder and shareholder approach, and the potential conflicts between shareholders and stakeholders
Explains ethical codes of practice and ethical objectives, the advantages/disadvantages of ethical behaviour, corporate social responsibility (CSR), pay and rewards, and the trade off between profit and ethics
Describes statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial position (balance sheets), and explains why stakeholders are interest in them. Also explains profit quality.
Describes gearing ratio (how to interpret it and the advantages/disadvantages of it), and Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)