Pearson BTEC • Business
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Modules Business at Pearson BTEC
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Popular books Pearson BTEC • Business
Neil James, Andrew Hammond • ISBN 9781510427556
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Ian Marcourse, Claire Marcouse • ISBN 9781471847820
Latest notes & summaries Pearson BTEC • Business
Explains labour productivity, labour turnover, labour retention, absenteeism, and human resource strategies (financial rewards, employee share ownership, consultation strategies, empowerment strategies)
Describes the different causes of change (e.g. organisational size, new ownership), the effects of change, key factors in change, managing resistance to change, and scenario planning
Describes the different methods of production (e.g. batch or flow production), the advantages and disadvantages of each type of production, and how to chose the type of production. Also explains efficiency and productivity, and capital intensive and labour intensive production.
Describes capacity utilisation, implications of under-utilisation of capacity (spare capacity), and ways of improving capacity utilisation.
Describes stock control diagrams (buffer stock, maximum stock level, re-order level, etc.), implications of poor stock control and Just-in-Time
Describes quality management, quality control, quality assurance, total quality management (TQM) and Kaizen
Describes the economic environment, the business cycle, inflation, deflation, interest rates, exchange rates, the effect of economic uncertainty on the business environment, and the competitive environment
Explains the different types of legislation (e.g. consumer protection law, employee protection, environmental protection, etc.) and how it impacts the business.
Describes the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources of finance and business plans, as well as explaining the difference between unlimited and limited liability
Describes what cash flow and cash flow forecasting is, how to calculate cash flow, the advantages and disadvantages of cash flow and why newly established businesses are vulnerable to cash flow problems