Government and politics
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Courses at Government and politics
Notes available for the following courses at Government and politics
Latest notes & summaries Government and politics
Essay plans and notes made for summer 2022 exam. Grade A achieved (A* predicted using same notes). Multitude of examples and case studies, in depth plans with analysis and evaluative points. Points and counter points provided. Covers many topics from the specification including comparative powers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, Parliament interaction with executive, reforms, constitution.
Plans made for the 2022 summer exams. Grade A achieved (A* predicted). Providing a multitude of relevant examples and points that can be incorporated to various questions. Essay plans with coherent structure as points and counter points are comparable and easy to evaluate. Many analysis points provided.
Explore some of the core gender and development literature and analyse the underlying arguments for gender analysis to be incorporated into each stage of the development process
Critically assess the approach to gender in the sustainable development goals (SDG’s). Discuss this in relation to the challenges of implementing them with a country specific case study and a selection of the SDG’s.